The ACNH Rant Thread

I'm so frustrated with getting duplicate recipes over and over again. I know they're really encouraging online play and trading with NH but it's still annoying how they made it so difficult to get these recipes on your own. I read that different personalities have a pool of recipes they can pick from but if the game's able to recognize that you already have the DIY recipe, I wish they'd stop the villager from suggesting the same ones in their existing pool at least until I finish getting all of them. 😭
I keep getting the same items over and over from balloons, trees, villagers, etc. In the past 2 days I've gotten 4 (!!!) stand mixers, and 3 of those were pink :| I'm not even getting color variations! I noticed this too when I first started playing, but it seemed like it stopped for a while...and now it's starting again.

Also, in that same vein--I love when I spend money on something at Nook's Cranny and then shake the exact same item out of a tree the next day for free. I swear Timmy and Tommy are setting me up!
Disappointed they didn't really 'localise' it to take into account language differences. For example the UK version still uses all of the American spellings, grammar and item names (some of which sound really out of place) - past games localisation took into account English spellings instead of just copying the US localisation. :(
I really wish nook miles tickets cost 200 nook miles instead of 2,000. It takes me hours to collet 17,000 miles and that's not even 10 NMT and when you're looking for villagers on the islands, they go so quick. I also wish that villagers didn't spawn into empty house plots. I know its like past games and we're lucky we can choose the plot spot but Diva recently spawned in and now I have to wait for someone else to go cause I couldn't get a dreamie in time.
i dont understand why people need to vocal about hating of raymond or popular villagers

the forum talks about nothing but hate for popular villagers nowadays its awkward

There is more love going around than hate, if you actually look at it closely. I would let it be. We are free to our opinions as to which villagers we like or "hate"
I'm enjoying New Horizons overall, but it seems like every day I encounter a new issue with it, which was NOT a problem with past installments. It's like as time goes on, I discover example after example of how unfinished this game was when it shipped. For all the people who insist that New Horizons' rolling updates are going to keep interest in the game, I just feel kind of insulted that we were given something with so many bugs and so many poorly-thought-out design decisions and we're just supposed to grin and bear it because, hey, something is better than nothing, right?

I know game design and development are difficult. I understand this. What I do not understand is why, when it comes to video games, we are supposed to happily accept unfinished/incomplete/outright-wonky products because, ooh, production is hard. Making most things is hard. We are right to complain when we buy virtually anything else and it isn't working as intended, or shows clearly shoddy construction, but if it's a video game, somehow this is different and we are just... spoiled babies crying about nothing... because... why exactly? I don't get the logic.

I wish Nintendo had delayed the release of the game, honestly. It wasn't ready when it shipped and that much just becomes clearer to me the more I play it. They didn't have enough time, or enough manpower, or maybe they were lacking in both departments, I don't know. I'm just so tired of being given table scraps and having the rest of the fanbase tell me to suck it up. It was like this when the most recent Fire Emblem came out as well - the writing was weak and disjointed with so many loose threads and decisions that seemed to make no sense, but saying so meant I was ungrateful (which makes no sense lmao????) and whiny. I just expect better. I'm losing faith in Nintendo properties pretty rapidly at this point.

Sorry, I just. had to get that off my chest. I love this series and Nintendo already has my money at this point so... insert shrug emoji I guess

This is exactly how I feel....everyone keeps telling me to give it more time or that it's bad because I TT. They're eventually gonna get to my point and it will still be bad, TT doesnt change anything?? I've loved the AC comm so much but this suppressing opinions stuff really riles me up
Every day I talk to Tex once, and every day he says it's another day in paradise. I think he might be using the wrong p-word.

Seriously though, I don't like this kind of talk from villagers. It feels so unnatural, especially the "I heard you did [activity you did the most] yesterday! Relevant dialogue about activity that doesn't change!". Or you pick a choice and every other villager repeats it back to you.
I'm probably not gonna play acnh online with others as much anymore. The trading economy is pretty much destroyed. almost anything and everything can be duped and that's really sad. I still will/want to meet up with people who wanna catalog but man idk about trading. I actually enjoyed watching bids and trying to save for something that I really wanted. but now it's just sorta bland for me idk.
Timmy and Tommy finally broke me. I wanted to hold off on TT until I'd gotten through a year, but I've gotten literally one furniture item I don't have (and I have a sad catalog that's only like 5% complete) in the last 4 days so I'll be TT-ing until I find something new. And I swear if I see another pink fax machine I will chop down their stupid store...
I wouldn’t bring attention to anymore game-breaking glitches people would exploit for personal gain, but the fact that we keep hearing about more glitches in this game puts Nintendo in a negative light here, and it continues the long trend of games being rushed to satisfy our demands.

After the controversies with this game and Pokémon Sword and Shield (not to mention, but another Kanto remake but with Pokémon Go mechanics), I’m starting to notice that after one year of being on the market, its software library is being increasingly met with negative reception, with Pokémon Sword/Shield being their most controversial game. Even ACNH is not exempt, considering how glitchy this game is, how not every feature is available at start, and how many things have changed. What happened, Nintendo? You started out very well with the Switch, now you’re going this direction.
Whoever thought of the double waterfall entrace.... 😭 why do you have to make my ears suffer like that. I’m tired of it... The noise is only pretty to listen to from a distance. BUT with two on top of each other right next to you... I can barely hear anything.
Yeah, i didnt notice how annoying waterfalls could sound until after i placed a bunch of them near one of my bridges and now i hate talking to villagers while standing there. I dont want to remove them, though, because they look so lovely.

I want more games to play with my villagers, Like hide and seek, and bug catching contests and other fun little activities, and please let us visit their houses again.