This anime is absolutely worthy of being considered the #1 by many people. It's constantly engaging from start to finish, it's got amazing and well written characters, great fight scenes, the world's lore is so interesting to learn about, it's very mature and serious while also having your occasional funny line or joke every now and, let's talk about the stuff I liked. First off, the Elric Brothers and Roy Mustang are easily some of the best characters in all of anime imo. In fact, there's a lot of cool and interesting characters that this anime has. Riza Hawkeye, Winry Rockbell, Olivier Armstrong, Alex Louis Armstrong, Scar, Greed/Ling Yao, Barry the Chopper, May Chang, Izumi Curtis, and more I'm probably missing. Greed and Ling Yao's dynamic in particular was interesting to me. I feel like on his own, Ling Yao isn't a super interesting character, but since he ends up sharing a body with Greed, he becomes a much more interesting character as a result. Some of the most memorable scenes from the show for me including the episode where Shou Tucker turns his daughter into a Chimera and Scar later ends up killing her and Shou Tucker, when King Bradley was revealed to be a Homunculus (which caught me off guard personally), the episode where Scar's backstory is explained and the twist that he killed Winry's parents, the episode where Hohenheim's backstory was explained and how he was actually a slave in Xerxes and ended up being used by Homunculus in order to drain the souls of everyone in Xerxes leading to Homunculus becoming "Father" and Hohenheim also becoming immortal, and finally the whole arc where everyone ends up in the capital and Roy's troops and the Fort Briggs troops end up fighting against Central's troops, Edward and co. end up revisiting the laboratory that had been broken into at the beginning of the series and all that jazz. The ending was also really satisfying to see, getting to finally see the Elric Brothers live a normal life with each other again and seeing them eventually traveling the world and all that, Roy getting back his eyesight after losing it in the final battle, Scar redeeming himself going from being a seemingly ruthless killer to being a hero, among other things. I may go back and watch the original series eventually, even if I know Brotherhood is better, but I figured I'd watch Brotherhood first because it's faithful to the manga.