The Anime Thread

Tokyo Revengers is finally wrapping up (Manga) I’m so sad! I absolutely love this series and I can’t wait till I can afford the manga set lol

As for anime I watch Bleach, Blue Lock, My Hero Academia and Chainsaw Man. It’s a pretty stacked line up to keep up weekly. Bleach has taken a different approach from what the old series was which is refreshing! Blue Lock is by far the best athletic anime I’ve came across. My Hero Academia is starting to pick up, every episode is full of action and I’m always flip flopping on liking the villains but yet hoping they don’t hurt my favorite hero's. As for Chainsaw Man I’m liking the humor aspect of it and fight scenes are pretty cool. MC is one of a kind that’s for sure.
I started watching Tenjho Tenge when it was new, but I don't think I ever finished it.

For obscure, how about Gunsmith Cats? I still have a beautiful Gunsmith Cats T-shirt that I love.
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Higher quality than the anime shirts I've seen lately. I actually haven't seen that one. It's not on the Rightstuf site anymore either.
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After watching the newest episode of Chainsaw Man I’ve come to the realization that everyone in that anime is insane. Kobeni is the only exception so far and even then there might be something about her that makes her as eccentric as the rest of the cast. Great anime though. I love the pacing and art style.
There are very many mysterious and evil creatures roaming about, and those who hunt them are known as....


Welcome back to the wonderful Reigen and Mob duo, now with new friends Serizawa and Dimple! The third season that showcases their newest adventures now begins...

With the help of Dimple and Serizawa, Reigen is no longer pressed for Mob's help all the time. Mob decides on a future career path for himself, which ends up just being getting into high school for now. Meanwhile, a Yokai Hunter by the name of Haruaki appears and enlists Reigen, Serizawa, and Mob's help in defeating the 100 Demon Horde Yokai and their Yokai King. After this is taken care of, Mob starts getting popular with girls and others, and is going to attend a religious event to become the founder. However, a weird energy that looks like Mob appears and claims to be the founder instead, and claims responsibility for the Divine Tree that sprang up in the city due to Mob's previous fight. Just how will Mob and others combat this evil energy?

Next I'll be watching episodes 4-6 of Mob Psycho 100 III in order to get caught up. Next episode is "Divine Tree 1 ~The Founder Appears~" (y)
This season I've been watching My Hero Academia S6, Spy x Family, Blue Lock, and Chainsaw Man! I love all of them for different reasons, but I'd have to say Spy x Family is still going strong as my favorite new release from this year.

I'm also looking forward to the last chapter of the Tokyo Revengers manga coming out this week! The ending feels extremely rushed to me and it's kinda upsetting, but I absolutely love this series and can't wait for the upcoming anime season(s) to be released^^
Spy x Family fans rise up.


Yor's face looks slighttttlllyyyy off but still tempted - looks like a great figure (that I don't have space in my cabinet for).

On a more anime-related note, Do It Yourself!! has been a very comfy SoL this season.
Yor's face looks slighttttlllyyyy off but still tempted - looks like a great figure (that I don't have space in my cabinet for).
That just means you make another whole cabinet.
I finally did it! I finished Naruto Shippuden's 500th and final episode, thereby finishing the series. It took 1-2 years, but I've watched all 720 episodes of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, and I didn't skip anything.
Congrats! Now do the Endless Eight and come back with a review for us.

Naruto and Shippuden are pretty solid, but the whole war arc should've not happened or been worked in better.
That just means you make another whole cabinet.

Congrats! Now do the Endless Eight and come back with a review for us.

Naruto and Shippuden are pretty solid, but the whole war arc should've not happened or been worked in better.

So the Endless Eight is about an Endless Eight is about an Endless Eight is about an Endless Eight...!

Lol, yeah... probably not going to watch that. x)

And agreed about the war arc. While the show overall was pretty solid, the war arc felt unnecessary and out of nowhere.
That just means you make another whole cabinet.

Congrats! Now do the Endless Eight and come back with a review for us.

Naruto and Shippuden are pretty solid, but the whole war arc should've not happened or been worked in better.
By Endless Eight are you referring to Haruhi? Lolol if so, I watched all those episodes and somehow survived.
I want to watch Blue Lock so bad! I have only have Funimation and not Crunchyroll.

Also does anyone know what platform the new Trigun is going to be on?
It's time for a-- wait, what, it's already Wednesday? Well, as they say, it's better late than never! Go beyond! Plus ULTRA!

Midoriya, Bakugo, and Endeavor fight together, with the help of Eraser Head, against a powered up Shigaraki. They use their ultimate moves and form them into a combo in order to try and deal damage to Shigaraki, who seems unaffected by most attacks thus far.

Meanwhile, Gigantomachia wakes up and begins running in the direction of Shigaraki, his master. Mt. Lady and Midnight try to stop him, but Midnight is cast aside and trampled on, presumably dying. I guess it's not midnight anymore...

*takes off sunglasses*


Ahem, anyway, Yaoyorozu and the other students begin an operation to block Gigantomachia from reaching Shigaraki. Will they be successful?

Next time on My Hero Academia season six, episode eight. "League of Villains vs. U.A. Students." You won't want to miss it! (y)
It's time for the students to go beyond! Plus ULTRA!

The students, under Yaoyorozu, set traps for Gigantomachia and begin to assault him and the League of Villains. Ashido almost puts the sedative liquid into his mouth, but freezes mid-air in fear. Thankfully, Kirishima delivers a plus ultra assist and is able to throw his own in. However, just as backup is arriving, Gigantomachia transforms...

Meanwhile, after taking a heavy combination of hits, Shigaraki gets back up and injures Gran Torino. He goes towards Aizawa, but Deku, Bakugo, Endeavor, and others try to stop him. As he's being held down by Deku at 100% power, he shoots a Quirk Deleter into Aizawa, effectively making Aizawa lose his Quirk and changing the tides of battle. Deku screams. Just what will happen next?!?

Next time on My Hero Academia season six, episode nine. "Katsuki Bakugo: Rising." You won't want to miss it! (y)
I am currently caught up on Spy x Family and My Hero Academia. Both of this weekend's episodes were great.

Over the weekend, I also started on season 2 of To Your Eternity. I have some catching up to do there since it's up to 5 episodes so far, but I watched the first two. I hope it will be as good as season 1.
Get ready for the supernatural! Mob Psycho 100 III is back with another episodes recap.

Mob, Reigen, and Mob's brother are unaffected at first by the new "founder" appearing in the city and having people worship it. Once Mob's brother and Reigen come under its control, however, Mob confronts it and finds out that it's none other than Dimple, who has taken control of the giant broccoli and is using its energy to fuel his psychic powers.

Mob then engages in battle with Dimple, but is able to get through to him via their feelings. As Dimple is heading out with Mob to return home, Dimple notices that the broccoli itself has become conscious. In order to prevent a greater catastrophe from happening, Dimple takes the giant broccoli into space, never to be heard from again.

Mob is sad after this for awhile, since he can no longer speak to Dimple. Meanwhile, President Kurata leaves the Telepathy Club since the other club members aren't taking it seriously. They then decide to enlist the help of a telepathist, or psychic, from the tennis club, Takenaka, to summon a UFO and prove to the president that they're serious. Which... they actually manage to do! At the top of a mountain and once night falls, an alien spaceship appears and the gang interacts with the aliens. Unfortunately, one of the club members gets left behind, but is eventually able to return to Earth.

In the next special episode of Mob Psycho 100 III, Tsubomi-Chan is transferring from Mob's school. Just how will Mob handle this?

Next time on Mob Psycho 100 III, episode nine. "Mob 1: ~Moving~" You won't want to miss it! (y)
Are you ready for the heroes to deliver the WWE smackdown on Shigaraki?????????????? Plus ULTRA!

Gigantomachia has completely transformed and breached the heroes attack, taking them out and heading towards Shigaraki. The students are left to wonder what they should do next.

Meanwhile, Aizawa attempts to cut his leg off to prevent his Quirk from being deleted by the Deleter round. Shigaraki is able to get away and lunges at him, but Deku (myself) holds him back with Blackwhip. Deku then uses a new One For All Quirk, the Quirk of the seventh, Float, which enables him to put the others down with Blackwhip and focus on fighting Shigaraki in the air.

Shigaraki is having a difficult time regenerating his body faster than Deku's attacks are chipping away at him. Bakugo knows that Deku can't win like this, however, and so he goes with Endeavor and Todoroki to try and finish off Shigaraki once and for all... which they almost succeed at with Endeavor using a Plus Ultra Prominence Burn, but Shigaraki's body is taken over by All For One and he shoots out dark tentacles that stab Endeavor. As he's about to stab me as well, Bakugo pushes me out of the way and gets injured in several places throughout his body himself. Thus completes the "Bakugo Rising." Just how will the heroes and myself defeat Shigaraki with this new power of his?

Next time on My Hero Academia season six, episode ten. "The Ones Within Us." You won't want to miss it! (y)
Finished Banana Fish last night. I'm gonna get caught up on the second seasons of Spy x Family and To Your Eternity today, and then I'm hoping to start Trigun tomorrow.
I've been listening to the dub of Code Geass. The show is... not great. I'm all for a series from the villain's perspective, but Lelouch just isn't likable. He's so manipulative to both people on the battlefield and his own friends. The story is also nonsensical. I just can't believe a high schooler can suddenly access a bunch of mecha and become the head of a liberation front, even with his royal background. The dub voice acting itself is a mixed bag. Despite my problems with him, Lelouch sounds exactly like he should be. The same applies to most of the other characters. There are two exceptions. There's one character with glasses who talks in an overly pompous manner. It's exaggerated to a ridiculous degree. There's also Lelouch's sister who sounds like an older person desperately trying to sound like a little kid. Both of their voices are grating every time they're on screen. It's distracting since the rest of the dub is pretty good for its time. My harsh feelings on the show have led to me just putting it on the background while I play video games. I'm not invested in the characters enough to actually give it my undivided attention. The show's oddly slow pacing doesn't help either.
Just watched Mob Psycho 100 for the first time after a friend recommended it to me, really regret not watching it before now lol. Honestly one of the best shows I've ever watched, Mob and Reigan are just such amazing characters and the emotions the show can make me feel is something else.

My Hero Season 6 has also been crazy good, every episode has had me on the edge of my seat it's been super intense. Chainsaw man has been great too, really funny and the characters are all pretty interesting to say the least haha.

Ton of great Anime coming out right now, can't keep up with it all which definitely isn't a bad thing. I usually prefer binge watching shows but this stuff has been too good.
I gave Yuru Camp another try and as you can see by my avatar, I'm liking it this time around. Watching it is kinda like ASMR for the soul, does that make sense? It's not the deepest show and the characters aren't too unique but that's okay. The artstyle is really nice and while the animation is wonky sometimes, the landscapes of real life places in Japan are very well done. The music is amazing too.

I've just been in the mood for something peaceful and simple and this show is it.
By Endless Eight are you referring to Haruhi? Lolol if so, I watched all those episodes and somehow survived.
Yeah I never watched the show or that bit myself, but I had a friend who did. I was intrigued by the madness and had to look it up. I don't get how they could've thought that was a good idea.