So, I watched yesterday?s episode of MHA yesterday.
It was nice seeing how some of the other students passed, and I like how Todoroki got out of a tough spot by using the factory, a.k.a. his surroundings. It looks like Izuku, Uraraka, and Hanta Sero are still in trouble though and haven?t passed, but I think they will be fine. Bakugou and his two followers look like they are doing well against a tough opponent as well. I really hope this doesn?t mean all 20 students of Class 1-A pass the first test though. That would be awesome, but also somewhat disappointing, imo.
I'm making my parents watch Death Note for the first time and I'm falling in love with it all over again.
It was my first anime I watched way back when I was 17 and still holds up amazingly!
Actually maybe you guys can help me. I've always wanted to get into anime - but with the thousands of choices I've never actually known where to begin. I was suggested to watch Food Wars. I just started watching and am really enjoying it. Also watched the full season of Aggretsuko in one night. I do love the pokemon anime as well (grew up with that one)
Going along with that - do you guys have any suggestions of anime I should check out? I love anything cute and not so gory.
I would love to help out, could you please be a bit more specific on what kind of genre/themes/styles etc. you usually like?
What is "cute" for you? Do you prefer things aimed at children or more aimed at adults? Complex stories or mindless comedy? Fantasy with magic and everything or normal people doing normal stuff?
Like this your question is basically "can you recommend a cute movie/book?"^^
Lol I figured people would just recommend what they are watching - didn't realize I was being so vague
When I had mentioned cute I was thinking more of the style - like more cartoon looking rather than real people looking (I love like the kawaii style if that makes any sense). I'm def looking for an anime with a great story line that I can follow as the episodes go on rather than mindless comedy. When it comes to fantasy - I do love the stories when it's a normal person and they discover they have powers (like Harry Potter in that sense) - but either one is fine. It's really the story line that I'm after and I love Drama, Romance and Adventures (fantasy and normal)
If it helps I love the stories behind: Harry Potter, Avatar the Last Airbender, Princess Mononoke (I also noticed with your question about aimed to children or adults that most of the stories I love - the shows have been aimed towards kids)
Hopefully this helped and my blathering didn't make it more confusing![]()
Yeah, it?s easy to recommend SOME shows because everyone seems to enjoy them, but otherwise I don?t feel confident to just tell somone what I liked because we are all different. For example I don?t like Food Wars because of the strangely-sexual scenes they added in there. After all, anime is mostly a medium, not so much it?s own genre.
Ok so interesting story with a more cute aethetic? If you had already seen more shows it would definitely be easier for me...
Also the shows you named aren?t really aimed at kinds^^. Princess Mononoke is meant for young adults, Aggretsuko is for adult women and Food Wars ...I think teenage boys.
How dark can the plot be? Maybe you can give Madoka Magica (also named Puella Magi Madoka Magica) a try. The show belongs to a well-known genre in anime which is called "magical girl". These shows are usually aimed at young or teenage girls and usually feature a female protagonist that receives magical powers. While most magical girl shows have the stigma of catering to young girls and having very generic plots, Madoka is more aimed at an older audience and has darker themes.
The show has 12 episodes so you can easily see it in a day. However, they made 3 movies: 2 movies (Beginnings and Eternal) retell the story and movie 3 (Rebellion) is a sequel to the anime. I actually recommend most people to watch the movies instead of the anime because its faster, more immersive because you dont have songs every 20 min and the animation was improved. It?s basically the 12 episodes but some scenes that weren?t necessary were cut, some scenes were added and the backgrounds made prettier, you won?t miss anything. (Also this show has no source material, the show is the original work and the movies are the slightly improved version of it)
Important: you absolutely need to go in blind for this, even the description on the streaming site can be full of spoilers for this show. I firmly believe that twists are what makes some shows great so I would just dive into this one without reading anything (that?s what I did).
The 3 episode rule applies here: if you do watch the anime, watch at least up to episode 3 before you decide to drop it, If you see the movies: watch roughly the first hour.^^
Depending on how you like that show I could give you more recommendations. (e.g. if it?s too dark for you, or if you like this stuff)
@Clefarious: You also strike me as someone who would like slice-of-life animes. Though I don’t know of any in particular.
^there I go again, recommending the same genre without an actual show, lmao
@Clefarious: You also strike me as someone who would like slice-of-life animes. Though I don’t know of any in particular.
^there I go again, recommending the same genre without an actual show, lmao
Yea I think that was the only thing I thought was out of place was the sexuality of Food Wars but I still do like the story behind it.
I've always noticed that was such a weird gray area between kids and adults. I guess it's teen shows that I find most interesting.
Wow I have no idea how you did it but this show you suggested sounds exactly like what I was looking for. Thank you for actually understanding my nonsense lol. I just logged into crunchyroll and even the art of the show is exactly what I was thinking of when it comes to cute. You're the best. I did notice that the movies aren't there - it just has the episodes. I'll have to search and see if I can find the movies before I watch the show. Hopefully I won't get spoilers trying to find the movies. I honestly hate that all the spoilers are right there in the description before you can even click to watch it. Even happens with tv. When I'm not sure if I saw an episode or not I read the info on tv and it tells me everything that happens even though I hadn't seen it yet -_-
If you like I can find you the dub or sub of the movies, I just didn?t want to post a link here.
Yeah that?s exactly what I mean, espechially movie trailers nowadays tend to spoil the entire movie. I also think that watching something you could enjoy without any kind of exspectations is the best way. I know that I?m not the best in doing that myself, but probably one of the main reasons I liked this show is because I came from only knowing the more traditional shows of it?s genre and just started watching it with no prior knowledge/exspectations... sometimes that alone makes a show better.
Multiple shows can be very good but if they follow a similar theme, you might end up liking the first one you watch most, because its a new experience while for the other shows you feel they aren?t as surprising. So "when" you watch something can play a big role in how much you like it.