1. What is your timezone and how active will you be? EST, not the most active player in the game prob but fairly active (unless I get randomly swamped with schoolwork)
2. Preferred pronouns and/or nicknames? she/her, Vanessa
3. Do you prefer being town or mafia? leaning towards town
4. Guess the scum team: Trundle, Rune, Mog, Jacob
5. Who would you fearkill N1? Dolby or Ness
6. Who can best read you/who can you read the best? I don't think anyone can read me that well (hey at least I can't get D1 lynched this game.) In the past I've been right about Chele, Rune (except for that AZ game) and Bianca
7. Do you think it's fair to read people off their RQS answers? I think people nitpick at them too much but if they are good questions they could potentially be helpful sometimes.
8. What are indicators of someone (any random person) being scum in your opinion?: Producing content that tries to look helpful but actually isn't, scumreading someone but not voting for them, bandwagoning
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Whoops ignore the Trundle quote, those are my RQS answers