drizzy sees a fire, but stays hidden.
duckyluv thinks about home.
pokedude729 tends to his wounds.
Hikari forces Markipiler to kill CommanderLeahShepard or Bellsprout. She refuses to kill, so Hikari kills her instead.
TheCreeperHugz tries to treat his infection.
happinessdelight and JacobIawaII sleep in shifts.
MayorBambie and BELLO run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
MegaCabbage and Vicki tell stories about themselves to each other.
DaCoSim goes to sleep.
Slammint thinks about home.
drizzy sees a fire, but stays hidden.
duckyluv thinks about home.
pokedude729 tends to his wounds.
Hikari forces Markipiler to kill CommanderLeahShepard or Bellsprout. She refuses to kill, so Hikari kills her instead.
TheCreeperHugz tries to treat his infection.
happinessdelight and JacobIawaII sleep in shifts.
MayorBambie and BELLO run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
MegaCabbage and Vicki tell stories about themselves to each other.
DaCoSim goes to sleep.
Slammint thinks about home.
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DAY 3:
Hikari discovers a cave.
MegaCabbage fishes.
happinessdelight makes a wooden spear.
DaCoSim sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
MayorBambie kills CommanderLeahShepard as he tries to run.
duckyluv, drizzy, Vicki, TheCreeperHugz, and Slammint hunt for other tributes.
BELLO travels to higher ground.
Bellsprout and pokedude729 split up to search for resources.
JacobIawaII receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Hikari discovers a cave.
MegaCabbage fishes.
happinessdelight makes a wooden spear.
DaCoSim sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
MayorBambie kills CommanderLeahShepard as he tries to run.
duckyluv, drizzy, Vicki, TheCreeperHugz, and Slammint hunt for other tributes.
BELLO travels to higher ground.
Bellsprout and pokedude729 split up to search for resources.
JacobIawaII receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
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tell leah she got killed by bambie lol
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2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 11
District 5
District 11
District 5
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