The Bell Tree IRC: Beginner's Guide

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If it's really quiet, start a conversation, say some people's names to ping them, hang around for a couple hours at least.
I just got in. There's no one there.

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I can't even figure out how to write a message..,

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Never mind, figured it out.
Why doesn't IRC show up for iPad?
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Whelp no irc for me
I am using my mom's ipad, since i got no tablet or phone

Try using Kiwiirc on Safari! Just go to and enter the server/channel details :
Channel: #belltree

Not sure if you'll need the port but anyway its 6667
Umm.. Hi I'm new to this community and I wanted to know,why is my html turned off?

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Umm.. Hi I'm new to this community and I wanted to know,why is my html turned off? And how do I tutn it one? Is html allowed here?
Try using Kiwiirc on Safari! Just go to and enter the server/channel details :
Channel: #belltree

Not sure if you'll need the port but anyway its 6667

ack thanks! I'm on right now lol
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