Jeremy Interview</big>
Q. TBT celebrated its 5th Anniversary this year, a big achievement, do you think TBT could make it to 10 Years?
A.Yes, I think it will. The internet will be much different then, so who knows who knows really? YouTube, for example, only came out four years ago. But as long as Nintendo keeps making Animal Crossing there will be TBT.
Q.Earlier this month you mentioned changes within TBT, have any of them started and if not when do you expect them to start?
A.Some have started, but I cannot say what at this time.
Q.TBT reached two big milestones this year, out of the 5 years of TBTs life, what would you say has been the biggest milestone?
A.Yes, of course the 5 year birthday and the 1 million post mark. Not too long ago was 500,000 posts as well. Some other milestones are when we converted to ZetaBoards from InvisionFree, won ZBTZ Board Of The Year, and got a lot of traffic from YouTube in 2007. I think the YouTubers registering, the 5 year anniversary, and 1 million posts are the biggest milestones in TBT's history. The release of our website was also pretty cool, even though we never got around to using it like we wanted.
Q.TBTs currently the 2nd biggest Animal Crossing board on the internet(correct me if I'm wrong), is it possible we can become the biggest and how can we do that?
A.Animal Crossing Community is very big, but they cannot keep it updated. If we manage to create an Animal Crossing guide site like ACC or AXA I think we can drive a lot of traffic to the forum. Our previous attempts have not worked, but we will be trying something different soon. More on that in the future. However, we will always focus on the forum. That has been our biggest strength and we will always be ahead of ACC and AXA when it comes to forum quality.
Q.Any messages/announcements to the members of The Bell Tree?
A.Not at the moment.
Thank you very much Jeremy