can i ask how staff favorite collectibles are distributed - if they're auto gifted with the last ticket distribution or if you go into the shop and check them out yourself whenever you wish?
trying to plan a layout
We will send staff favourite and contest winner collectibles directly to your account.
Will the collectables be able to be purchased for some time after the fair ends?
We will leave the shop open for at least a couple of days after the fair ends. There will also be notice of exactly when the shop will close.
I was wondering how many prize packs/collectibles will be restocked?
Also, will the prize pack be at a higher ticket price than last time or the same price? (i should've bought it the first time around but i had to save for the celeste plushie asdfgjkl)
(just afraid i wont be able to afford it and to budget accordingly T_T)
We won't be disclosing how many of each item we are restocking in advance. I don't believe prices for these are being raised again, but
@Jeremy should be able to confirm.
Not sure if this has been asked before but if you place more than one collectible into the cart and buy them at the same time, how will they be ordered chronologically?
They will appear in your sidebar the same way they appear in your cart. The order they appear in your cart is determined by collectible number. For example, the collectible numbers for the cosmos collectibles are:
- Red Cosmos - 167
- Yellow Cosmos - 168
- White Cosmos - 169
Regardless of what order I add these items to my cart they will always display in this order:
This is the same order that they will appear in your sidebar, with the item at the top appearing on the far left. This is how these three collectibles appeared in my sidebar after purchase:
If you're looking to have a specific line-up then I would advise that you buy collectibles one at a time.
Are the stickers waterproof/dishwasher safe?
I would assume not, but
@Jeremy should be able to confirm.
Ah sorry one more question! The physical restocks were higher in price last time, will the collectible restocks also go up in price as well?
We will not be raising collectible prices.