<|> The Dark Crystal - RP <|> // Latest Update: 1/11 //

(Oh, really? Hmm, I wonder which gems the fusion will involve :rolleyes:

Just one last question for now - if Liam did make the two gems fuse, would Izzy also be able to use their powers?)

(Yes and no... whoever is holding the gem can use all of the powers combined within it, so technically yes, as long as she's holding it)

(Oh, and would the two be able to sorta speak telepathically to each other, like Zari, Rosalie and Mari were able to while they were fused?)


(I wonder if anyone is gonna find Rosalie and Emrys at the tree hollow xD)
(Yes and no... whoever is holding the gem can use all of the powers combined within it, so technically yes, as long as she's holding it)


(I wonder if anyone is gonna find Rosalie and Emrys at the tree hollow xD)

(Ohhhh OK!)

Liam got Izzy's gem back out of his bag once he was far away from the others. He then put the gem in his pocket and climbed up a nearby tree and sat in it. He took Izzy's gem out again and looked at it closely. She never told me what her gem does! He was holding onto a branch using his other hand so he wouldn't fall. I guess there's only one way to- He stopped when he noticed that the branch he was holding had caught on fire. He quickly climbed back down before he could get burnt by it. So that's what it does... he thought to himself as he stood back and watched the fire spread to the rest of the tree.
Mari woke up, with the Fluorite in her hand. Mari crawled outside of the igloo, and looked around. Alexa was still sound asleep.
Liam then thought for a moment. What happens if I try to use hers as well as mine...? He got his gem out from his pocket, and now had it in one hand, and Izzy's gem in the other. He looked at a nearby tree. That'll be good to test this on, he thought. First, he used his gem, and both his gem and his hair began to glow a deep purple. He then made his hair wrap itself around the tree.

Izzy woke up and looked around her. How did I get out here...? She couldn't remember chasing after Liam, or finding out about his gem's powers. She was feeling cold because she had been lying down on the snow, so she went inside the igloo.
Alice saw the girl walk in. (Read my previous post plaz c:. That's what I say to you..I'm too lazy to write it again and I forgot most of it XD)
(Yesh. She just woke up from 3(?) days of sleep. I was talking to zari and emrys. Then poof-I woke up(just to avoid confusion lol))
(Yesh. She just woke up from 3(?) days of sleep. I was talking to zari and emrys. Then poof-I woke up(just to avoid confusion lol))

(Ohhhh OK!)

Izzy looked around the igloo and saw yet another unfamiliar person. "Did everyone in the world find their way here or something?!" she muttered. She wanted to hold her gem to warm herself up, so she sat down and opened up her bag, expecting to see her glowing red garnet in there. But it wasn't. She looked in her bag some more, but she couldn't find it in there. She began to panic, and rushed back out to look for it.
Zari awoke again, and found himself inside a giant blue gem-shaped room. The walls and floor glowed a deep blue and he could see through them; everything around it was pitch black. I'm trapped inside my gem, he realized again. He noticed a deep burn in his chest, and surprisingly he didn't feel much pain. Before, he didn't even realize he was poofed, but now he had no other explanation for this.

(idek, I'm just waiting on Sugar to post :/ )
Next, Liam looked at Izzy's gem and focused. The tree suddenly burst into flames. Cool! he thought to himself. He wanted to try it again, but when he looked at the two gems they began to glow very brightly. What's happening...? The gems began to float up into the air and turned into two glowing, white blobs. The two blobs then morphed together and created a very bright light that lasted a few moments. When it disappeared, Liam saw a glowing gem in his hands that was larger than Izzy's gem and his before they had fused. It was a pink spinel.


(OK, so now I have some explaining to do involving Izzy's and Liam's gems.

Liam's gem's power is prehensile hair. If he wraps someone up with his hair, that person will begin to feel sleepy until they eventually fall asleep. The person won't be able to wake up until Liam lets them go. When they wake up, there is a chance of the person forgetting some things that happened before they fell asleep. However, using this power can make Liam tired, and if he uses it for too long, he will end up falling asleep.

The Izzy/Liam fusion's powers are similar to what Izzy's and Liam's powers were before they fused, but of course there are a few changes. Because the two are now fused thanks to Liam's little 'experiment', they can use either Liam's or Izzy's powers, or even both at once. With Liam's powers, the person who has the gem's hair can now either make people sleepy much faster than he could before, or make them forget things. Also, using his power doesn't make them feel tired. With Izzy's, they don't have to touch something with their hand to make something get warm/hot/catch fire. They also don't go insane from using their power too much.

...Yes, Izzy could go insane if she used her power too much. But she's never needed to use it that much, so the worst that's happened to her so far was her randomly giggling.)
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Liam looked around, and saw that the snow around him had melted. But then he suddenly felt his head spinning, as his and Izzy's minds connected. He knew the two gems coming together to form another one had something to do with the strange feeling he felt, but he didn't know why.

Izzy frantically looked around outside for her gem, but she couldn't find it. "Where is it?!" she said, panicked. She suddenly felt her head spinning. Why do I feel like this all of a sudden? Unlike Liam, she had no idea what had caused it.
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(Oh noez!)
Alice replied," apparently so!" She saw the girl run outside. Alice followed. "I'll help you find it, if you'd like..what does it look like?" Alice offered. She noticed the boy in the tree. "Hello! What's going on?"
(Who's the boy in the tree? o.o)

Izzy saw the new girl again. "It's red, and it glows. It's also really warm and has steam coming off it." she said. "I just woke up out here for some reason. I know I went inside last night to sleep, but I can't remember how I ended up out here, or why my gem's gone." She was scared incase Zari had taken it and was going to use its powers to kill the others.
(I mean Liam)
"Huh..weird stuff going on here..sorry to hear about your gem, I'll start looking. Say, what's your name? Mines Alice," she said with a smile. She whistled for that same hawk of when she first came to the forest. "Look for a gem, a glowing red one with smoke coming off of it." The hawk cawed with agreement and took off.
(But Liam isn't in the tree anymore :p And he's too far away from Izzy and Alice for them to see him.)

"I'm Izzy," she said. She then saw Alice telling a hawk to help them find her gem. "You can talk to animals?" she asked.
"Hm? Yes, I can. That very hawk helped me find the igloo matter of fact," Alice said.
"Mhmm..I think it's pretty neat! What does your gem do..?" Alice asked, continuing to look for the gem.