<|> The Dark Crystal - RP <|> // Latest Update: 1/11 //

(Hey you aren't the one who played a soccer game with only 9 on the field, not 10 Luca >:'( )


Emrys took them out of her hands and felt the Sapphire's cool water magic, and the calmness of the Lapis. The two seemed like they were a perfect match for fusion; except for the strange malachite. "So, the lapis is yours, huh?" he asked, feeling its magic. He wasn't about to let the girl get away, so using the Sapphire, he froze her in chains that were frozen to the gem sanctuary. He felt the Lapis was almost identical to the Sapphire in terms of magic, except it was less powerful, and more calm. He bubbled it with the sapphire's ice and let it float alone with the rose quartz, making sure it flew out of her reach. "Answer some questions, and your pretty little blue gem will be back in your hands." he threatened.
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Rosalie felt as she was frozen in chains by Emrys. "L-Let me go!" She yelled out. Ugh, Zari, wake up.. she told herself. "Oh, more questions? All right." She told Emrys. She was eager to get out of the chains she was in.
(No, Rosalie has answer questions for Emrys, so she can get Zari and her's gem so she can try to regenerate him.)
Kyle awoke. He was alone in the igloo. He realized how long he had been sleeping. He stood up and left the igloo, entering the clearing.
I musta been out for a while, where the hell is everyone? He thought.
Izzy woke up, and saw a pink gem next to her. That's not my gem... She was worried about where her gem was. But she had no idea who this pink gem belonged to. She'd never seen it before. She left it there and went outside the igloo. When she saw Kyle, she ran up to him and hugged him. "Have you seen my gem anywhere?" she asked.

Just then, Liam woke up. He looked inside his bag, but 'his' gem wasn't there. He went inside the igloo, and found it in there. He put it in his bag then went back out.
He was surprised by Izzy, he never saw her. He still hugged her back.

"N-No, it's gone?" He asked, confused. "How'd you lose it?
(Back c: )
"You're awake izzy..I was worried. Someone's passed out outside the igloo..I dunno who..or who this is," Alice said, pointing to Kyle. "I found the gem with the boy..it melted the snow and set sticks on fire.."
"I don't know. I woke up outside the igloo, and it was gone." She was so worried that she had tears in her eyes.

Liam saw Izzy and quietly chuckled to himself. He knew what had happened to it, but he didn't say anything because he knew that Kyle could sense lies. He began to walk away. He wanted to test out his new powers.
(I'm sorry but I'm quitting TBT now! ^^ Please don't post in here until I'm back; I finally have no reason to be on here. It's distracting me during school and eating up my free time. I'll probably be back in Dec./next event. Ask Sugarella for entry into STFR if you're desperate to talk to me lol and she can send you the passcode into the chat. Sorry lmao bye!!
P.S. pretend this is the end of chapter one)
(I'm sorry but I'm quitting TBT now! ^^ Please don't post in here until I'm back; I finally have no reason to be on here. It's distracting me during school and eating up my free time. I'll probably be back in Dec./next event. Ask Sugarella for entry into STFR if you're desperate to talk to me lol and she can send you the passcode into the chat. Sorry lmao bye!!
P.S. pretend this is the end of chapter one)

(Catch you later then! :) )
(I'm sorry but I'm quitting TBT now! ^^ Please don't post in here until I'm back; I finally have no reason to be on here. It's distracting me during school and eating up my free time. I'll probably be back in Dec./next event. Ask Sugarella for entry into STFR if you're desperate to talk to me lol and she can send you the passcode into the chat. Sorry lmao bye!!
P.S. pretend this is the end of chapter one)

(Dang ;-; )
(I'm sorry but I'm quitting TBT now! ^^ Please don't post in here until I'm back; I finally have no reason to be on here. It's distracting me during school and eating up my free time. I'll probably be back in Dec./next event. Ask Sugarella for entry into STFR if you're desperate to talk to me lol and she can send you the passcode into the chat. Sorry lmao bye!!
P.S. pretend this is the end of chapter one)

(wow i haven't even met anybody yet any you're quitting? ah well see you next time i guess c: )
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(I'm sorry but I'm quitting TBT now! ^^ Please don't post in here until I'm back; I finally have no reason to be on here. It's distracting me during school and eating up my free time. I'll probably be back in Dec./next event. Ask Sugarella for entry into STFR if you're desperate to talk to me lol and she can send you the passcode into the chat. Sorry lmao bye!!
P.S. pretend this is the end of chapter one)

(Aw :( )
"Huh...it set fire though.. And pink is close to red..?" Alice said, thinking about what the word "fusion" meant. "Say..what's a fusion?"
(I'm sorry but I'm quitting TBT now! ^^ Please don't post in here until I'm back; I finally have no reason to be on here. It's distracting me during school and eating up my free time. I'll probably be back in Dec./next event. Ask Sugarella for entry into STFR if you're desperate to talk to me lol and she can send you the passcode into the chat. Sorry lmao bye!!
P.S. pretend this is the end of chapter one)

(Ugh I'm sorry I overreacted over something stupid. I'll stay and keep the RP up.
I just get sick of people hatred, stupidity, and saltiness. smh I'm surprised more people haven't quit tbh
I'll update OP later)
Mari woke up, with Alexa in one arm, and the Fluorite in the other hand. Alexa opened her eyes, and yawned.