(Hey you aren't the one who played a soccer game with only 9 on the field, not 10 Luca >:'( )
Emrys took them out of her hands and felt the Sapphire's cool water magic, and the calmness of the Lapis. The two seemed like they were a perfect match for fusion; except for the strange malachite. "So, the lapis is yours, huh?" he asked, feeling its magic. He wasn't about to let the girl get away, so using the Sapphire, he froze her in chains that were frozen to the gem sanctuary. He felt the Lapis was almost identical to the Sapphire in terms of magic, except it was less powerful, and more calm. He bubbled it with the sapphire's ice and let it float alone with the rose quartz, making sure it flew out of her reach. "Answer some questions, and your pretty little blue gem will be back in your hands." he threatened.
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