<|> The Dark Crystal - RP <|> // Latest Update: 1/11 //

"hey, you all right?" Yasuke asked. "Looks like a snowflake obsidian..I accidentally did a fusion of me and my girlfriend's gems..before, it was onyx and opal," he said. "Want some fish?" He asked.
Zari nodded. "Yeah... and can I see it? I might be able to unfuse it, and we'll be able to see what gems comprise it." he said. He snatched the fish from him and ate ravenously, letting the bubbled garnet poof back into the sanctuary.
"Didn't you say, before you passed out, the minds of the gems owners are connected? Also..are you going to let down izzy and what's-his-name?" Yasuke said
Kyle opened his eyes. He stood up silently and left the igloo, searching for someone else. He held his peridot in his hand tight, taking precautions to the thought of it being stolen.
Rosalie walked to the place where everyone was at, at the time. She saw Zari eating a fish, almost finished with it. She walked up to him, and patted him on the shoulder. "Where did you get that fish? I'm starving.." She asked Zari. She looked up, and saw Liam and Izzy tied up on the tree. (?) "Why are they up there?"
Kyle heard Izzy's voice. His face instantly shifted from a grim one to a happy one, as a smile took over his frown. "Izzy." He said, his voice sweet and tender. He looked and saw Izzy, and ran towards her happily and hastily, open arms and all.
He saw the chains, he didn't notice them. 'The hell..?" He muttered. He climbed the tree, and beat at the chains with another branch he broke off the tree. He didn't have much success, but he continued trying.
Izzy decided to tell him what had happened. "I managed to get the gem back from Liam, but he found me up in here and tried to get it back. But then Zari chained us up in here, unfused the gems and taken them!" She was worried about what Zari was going to do with her gem.

"Yeah, and it's all your fault!" he said to Izzy.

"No it isn't!"
"He hasn't taken mine yet." He said, as he revealed his peridot which was in the palm of his hands. He looked at it. "I'll try to get yours back, but I don't really know what to do myself."
Rosalie looked at Kyle trying to release Izzy from the branches of the tree. I want to help, but at the same time, I can't, because no one trusts me around here, because of Zari. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to be with Zari, but no one trusts me or likes me.. I guess it's worth a shot, Rosalie said to herself. She walked up to Kyle, and said, "Do you need help?"
Kyle looked at her. "Yeah, I guess." He said, not objecting. "She's chained up, along with this little bugger." He said, pointing at Liam. "Zari chained her up."
"And then what's-his-name took my gems-"
"Yours?! One of those gems is mine!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

(G2g tp sleep now. Night everyone!)
(G'night! C: )

"I see that.." Rosalie said, looking at Liam and Izzy, obviously desperate to get out. She tried to help by tugging on the chains, but no luck.
(Hnnng can't do much while Izzy and Liam are trapped ;-;

Somebody freeeeeeeee theeeeem)


(I can't do anything, so I'm just silently stalking :rolleyes:)

(o; I'll be regenerated y'all soon! dw)

Zari finished his fish, and seen two gems on the ground. Amethyst, and malachite. He picked them up, bubbled them, and poofed them into the sanctuary. Why does Mari keep trying to kill herself!? he thought. Zari cleared his thoughts, and felt the sapphire in his belly-button vibrate. He walked out, and seen Kyle and Rosalie trying to smash the ice-chains that locked Izzy and Liam into the tree. Zari smiled as he walked over, "See? Cooperate, and things will be better." he said. He flicked his hands, and the chains misted, and reformed into an ice ladder. He poofed their bubbled gems, and held one in each hand. "Cooperation is key to getting freed from this realm. Fighting won't get you out." he said.