<|> The Dark Crystal - RP <|> // Latest Update: 1/11 //

Rosalie watched as the chains misted into the ladder, and saw Zari doing the magic. She looked over at him, and smiled. "Why did you trap them anyways? I wasn't really here when this happened. I was still at the sanctuary. All I see now is they unfused."
Zari replied, "I trapped them because they were fighting over their gem, spinel. So, I took it, and chained them, and told them that they need to stop bickering if they want their gem back." He let the bubbled gems float out of his hands and into the tree to their respective owners. "This realm is harsh; if we want to survive, we need to cooperate. Plus, when I held the spinel, it unfused by itself in my hand. It's a sign that it wasn't a stable fusion anyways."
"I see." Rosalie said. "So, where did you get that fish you were eating just now? I'm really hungry!" She said, her stomach rumbling.

(o; I'll be regenerated y'all soon! dw)

Zari finished his fish, and seen two gems on the ground. Amethyst, and malachite. He picked them up, bubbled them, and poofed them into the sanctuary. Why does Mari keep trying to kill herself!? he thought. Zari cleared his thoughts, and felt the sapphire in his belly-button vibrate. He walked out, and seen Kyle and Rosalie trying to smash the ice-chains that locked Izzy and Liam into the tree. Zari smiled as he walked over, "See? Cooperate, and things will be better." he said. He flicked his hands, and the chains misted, and reformed into an ice ladder. He poofed their bubbled gems, and held one in each hand. "Cooperation is key to getting freed from this realm. Fighting won't get you out." he said.

(Wait, did he have Kyle's gem?)
Zari motioned over to the igloo, "In there. The guy who is with Alice gave it to me. I didn't get his name yet, I don't think." he said. He uncovered his shirt to reveal the blue gem in his belly button. "My sapphire though... it's stabilizing." he said. "I can do a lot more now before I black out. I think it's getting stronger." He waved his hand, and a delicate tiara made of ice froze and appeared on Rosalie's hair. It was filled with intricate swirls and shapes, and had a large gem-shaped piece of ice in the center. It glimmered in the afternoon (?) light. "See? I'm finally gaining control over it... we should practice water-bending sometime too." he said.
(Pretty sure it's afternoon XD I haven't been following)

Rosalie saw as Zari formed a tiara made of ice on her hair. She smiled and blushed. "Yeah, we really should. I haven't been using my powers lately." She said, looking at her lapis.
She woke up, the ice finally having melted off her ankles. Her hands were bruised and cold, and the igloo no longer there at all. She put her head in her hands and started to cry.
Zari went over to the igloo, and seen Mizuki crying. He kneeled down to her, and hugged her. "It's okay. Emrys is dead. His gem is split into two. He won't be bothering you anymore." he said. Zari got up, and waved his hands over the icy rubble of the igloo, and it reformed back to the way it was. He sat next to her inside the igloo, and looked at his palms. A large snowflake spun around and floated on his hand. He wondered why things were the way they were. He wondered why back in reality, he had no family other than his parents; why he had no friends; why everyone who ever got to know him, hated him. Rosalie seemed to be the only one who didn't feel that way. The snowflake snapped in half and the bits fell into the snow. He yawned, and pushed snow around until it made a nice bed, and he sat on it thinking.
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She looked up surprised. Emrys? Is that the boy who froze my feet? As she watched him walk away, she felt a tinge of guilt. However, she didn't know where anyone else was and got up, starting to search for them.
Here's My Application :D
~ TBT Username:OmgItsAbigail
~ Charrie Name:Lila
~ Gemstone |image required|: image.jpg
~ Are you a fusion?:No
~ Gem power(s): The Power To Have Love For Eternity And Make Others Fall In Love (Diamond Means Love For Eternity) Also Having Incredible Strength!
~ Appearance |image required|: image.jpg
~ Age: 16 1/2
~ Personality: Lila Is A Kind Gentle Girl Who Cares Much For Her Loved Ones But Can Easily Turn From A Loving Lady To A Strong Angry Person In A Flash!
~ Other: She Can Be Quite Mean At Times But Quickly Turns Back Into Her Nice, Calm Self Also She Has Always Wanted To Be Loved Herself But The Thing Is Having The Power To Making Other People Has Love For Eternity Means She Can Not Love Anyone Herself. Sometimes She Regrets Being So Strong Since She Usally Ends Up Breaking Really Fragile Things By Accident! Oops!
Sorry For Interupting Your RP! Keep Up The Good Rp The Plot Is Great!


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"Rosalie? Zari? Kyle?" They were all gone and she was starting to seriously worry. The lack of real human contact had made her fidgety and bored. As she leisurely strolled through the forest, she closed her eyes. However, this resulted in her opening them at the last second to almost run into a tree. She kept them open after that.
"Finally!" he said, then climbed down from the tree.

After Izzy was freed from the chains, she tried to climb down, but she slipped and fell. She didn't hurt herself much, though she did end up getting a few scratches from the tree's branches.
(Dang it, we need more posters)
She couldn't see anyone at all. Slowly getting concerned, she started walking faster. Her shoes made loud crunching sounds against the pine needles.
Izzy got up, and looked around. She thought she had seen somebody in the distance, so she began walking there. As she got closer, she saw that it was Mizuki.

Liam walked off in a different direction. He didn't want to be anywhere near Izzy for much longer.
She saw Izzy in the distance and ran to her, relieved. "Have you seen the others? I can't find them, but I've been searching for so long..." The worry was apparent in her voice.