<|> The Dark Crystal - RP <|> // Latest Update: 1/11 //

Izzy was beginning to get bored, so she sat back down and drew something in the snow. She began to draw a stick person, starting with the body. Then she drew four lines coming out of it - two arms, and two legs. She drew a circle for the head, and drew a pair of glasses, two eyes, a nose and a mouth. She then gave the stick person long hair to finish it off, and smiled.
Izzy began to draw another stick person next to the one she had already made. However, the second one looked different to the first. It had short hair, no glasses and had a triangle for a skirt. Izzy looked at both of the stick people she had made, and her smile went away. She sighed, and stopped drawing in the snow.
Suddenly Lila Woke From Her Sleep, How Long Had She Been Sleeping,Where Is She? Glancing Around She Found Herself In A Creepy Forest Full Of Sorrow, Scared She Looked Around.. No One.. She Had To Find Any Life Form, She Got Ready And Set Sail For The Nearest Life Form. The Wind Howled Wildly As Soon As Lila Started Her Advenyure Throught The Creepy, Isolated Forest..
(YAY Im Part Of You Guys RP Know!)
(Did zari try to kill himself because that's what I'm seeing)
Suddenly Lila Woke From Her Sleep, How Long Had She Been Sleeping,Where Is She? Glancing Around She Found Herself In A Creepy Forest Full Of Sorrow, Scared She Looked Around.. No One.. She Had To Find Any Life Form, She Got Ready And Set Sail For The Nearest Life Form. The Wind Howled Wildly As Soon As Lila Started Her Advenyure Throught The Creepy, Isolated Forest..
(YAY Im Part Of You Guys RP Know!)
(Can you not do that please? Where the first letter of every word is capital, it just gets on my nerves a little)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Thank goodness! :p)

(Thanks to Alice :D)
Alice was getting tired. She looked around the igloo for izzy. She wasnt there. She went out and saw her drawing in the snow. "Whachu drawing?" Alice asked
Rosalie woke up from her slumber. She stepped out of the igloo and saw Alice & Izzy. Izzy was drawing stick figures in snow, and Alice was talking to her. She decided she wanted to practice her water-bending skills, so she did. She walked to the nearest pond, and saw the pond where her and Zari first met. She wanted to go there, since Izzy and Alice couldn't see her from there, and she wanted to practice in private. She went to the pond, and raised her gem in her hand. "Time to practice."
"Im going to sleep, just to let you know," alice said, heading back in the igloo. "Hey yasuke, you still haevnt told us what happened when you came here..i think everyone, aside from Mari and whoever she was with, are here...say, where'd their gems go? Im pretty sure i left them near my bed.." Alice said, with a face of worry
"Who? Whatever..i guess its time to tell you guys!" Yasuke said
"Come inside izzy," alice said

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Im going to sleep, just to let you know," alice said, heading back in the igloo. "Hey yasuke, you still haevnt told us what happened when you came here..i think everyone, aside from Mari and whoever she was with, are here...say, where'd their gems go? Im pretty sure i left them near my bed.." Alice said, with a face of worry
"Who? Whatever..i guess its time to tell you guys!" Yasuke said
"Come inside izzy," alice said
(But Izzy is inside o: )

Izzy went over to where Alice and Yasuke were. "So..." she said. "What happened when you got here?"

(Gotta go to sleep now. Night!)
"Lets see.. Ill start from the beginning. Me and malani had been dating for several years, and she was like a big sister to Alice. One day, alice went missing, to this realm i guess.. One of her friends told us she told them that she was running away through some portal..which i still dont know why-" yasuke was cut off by alice
"I wanted a fresh start...or i was just drunk, i dunno," Alice told him
"Um..okay then. Continuing on, we found out where the portal was, and me and Malani said some stuff, and went through. We both had our gems, opal and onyx, held tightly in our hands. With our open hands, we held hands tight. When I went through the portal..she wasnt there. Just me, the opal, and the onyx..no Malani..I'm maybe thinking only one person can go through at a time..I looked around, but she wasnt there. Not anywhere..then I stumbled upon Alice, or she stumbled upon me..-" he was cut off again, but not by Alice. By a voice in his head. Malani's (might make form for her, for now, shes going to be talking to him in his head only. As purple) Yasuke..where are you?? And wheres my gem?? Wait..how am i talking to you through my head??! What the hell is going on?! Malani said to yasuke through his head. "Malani..shes okay! She just talked to me in my head..becaus its a fusion, right?" Yasuke said Malani..youre okay..I'm in the gem realm, through the portal. Theres snow everywhere.. Oh..your gem, funny you should ask. Apparently, i accidently 'fusioned' them together..theyre one gem now..it has our powers combined. I can make it dark, i dont know what your gem originally did..Alice is okay, shes right next to me..where are you? Yasuke said to Malani in his head
Rosalie practiced her powers for a bit, and stopped. She felt a bit weak since she was using her powers for too long. She sat down, and looked up at the sky. She also looked at her gem in the sunlight, which was gleaming very brightly. "I wish I could just get out of here.. Hey, where's Zari?" Rosalie told herself.
Zari walked out of the igloo again and went back to the pond, making sure no one was around. He went back to where the ice hammer was, still lying on the ground, and picked it up. He lifted his shirt and seen where his gem was, and how it healed partially already. This regeneration is powerful stuff... he thought. He looked at his sapphire, and noticed how nice it looked. He seen a glimmer of dark purple in it, and immediately filled with rage. But.... Zari looked across the pond and seen Rosalie talking to herself. The rage left him, he dropped the ice-hammer, and snapped his fingers. A path froze across the pond, and he carefully walked across it to Rosalie. "I'm here. Where have you been?" he asked, sitting next to her.
Rosalie looked at Zari as he sat down next to her. She smiled and said, "I was just practicing my powers here at this pond. Where we first met, remember?"