The idea of seasonal DIY's being in Balloon Gifts only is bad

While annoying, I'm not looking forward to the snowmen diy. That seems a little less reliable.
While it is true that you have to make the snowboys perfect, there's also a perk: there aren't physical diy cards for the frozen set. They are automatically registered into your nookphone. Perfectly reliable, imho. To boot, there's not a chance of getting a dupe diy, as when you finish receiving the 14-piece diy set (and the wand diy), any perfect snowboys you make afterward will just gift you a random piece of the frozen set in the mail.
I really hope Christmas DIYs won't be this hard to obtain because I want everything. I love Christmas sooo much and I WILL spend 50 hours chasing balloons for the recipes lol. I have a sneaking suspicion that they made it unbelievably tedious so that it would encourage trading. Well the more they pull this kind of stuff the less likely I'll subscribe to their Online! That's not nice Nintendo!
I appreciate how they tried to give us another way to obtain the DIYs but equally i just don't have the patience to be running up and down the beach every five minutes for a *chance* to get a DIY! I've never been big on popping balloons anyway so the only reason I've been popping them since getting the Nook miles achievement is to try and get these DIYs. might be time for me to renew my nintendo switch online and do some trading!
Maybe Nintendo just intended for people to get a few every year through normal gameplay
The seasonal diys reappear every year, the holidays do not
I personally traded for all the furniture I wanted to display in my house, and I'll be on the lookout for diys casually in the years to come
I completely agree. It bugs me so much that they show you all these gorgeous items in the Nintendo Directs and yet your chances of actually getting any are just so insanely low. At this point I’d rather them be paid DLC. At least I could actually guarantee being able to get them then!
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Maybe Nintendo just intended for people to get a few every year through normal gameplay
The seasonal diys reappear every year, the holidays do not
I personally traded for all the furniture I wanted to display in my house, and I'll be on the lookout for diys casually in the years to come

A few? I haven’t even found one yet and the events over! And it’s not even like I haven’t grinded for hours for the damned things. 😭
I agree TOTALLY! This is honestly one of the worst things about Diys. Im glad that they decided to use the balloon presents other than the horrid balloon furniture but seriously...they could find other ways for us to obtain seasonal Diys other than the balloons. AC is a relaxing game for me and rushing around my island with a slingshot isn't too relaxing for me. I think they handled Turkey Day diys better than Bunny Day. Bunny Day was absolute madness with the balloons. So hopefully the developers will find more innovative ways for us to give us event/seasonal Diys in the future
I definitely agree. The fact that players have to rely on such a random system to get all of the seasonal DIYs is very frustrating and totally unreliable. Players interested in collecting them will still grind to get all the DIYs no matter what, so putting in a more reliable system would've been nice. Personally, I felt the method they used for Halloween DIYs was quite effective; villagers in your town crafting the DIYs each day was a really nice way to earn them, and it's not like you didn't have to go out of your way to collect them all. Some days none of mine did (while I was active in game) while other days I was able to get a couple by visiting friends' islands. The Turkey Day DIYs were handed out in a really nice way too, I liked having to put a little effort in to earn the whole set! But yeah, I feel like the AC team definitely could've incorporated a bit of a better way to distribute the seasonal ones.
i literally was just chatting about this to my friends 😭 this is what made us stop playing regularly because it’s not really motivating us to work for these seasonal DIYs. and like the next thing you know they’re off season already, time for a new items to display like lol bye
Yeah, I’m really not a fan of seasonal DIYs being in balloons only. Their spawn rate is already spotty at best, it’s even worse when you’re trying to find DIYS and it feels like there’s always an overlapping event when it comes to seasonal DIYs. It makes no sense why they can’t wash up on the beach, be crafted by villagers, or like somebody else said - why can’t our player think up DIYs while we’re collecting maple leaves, cherry blossoms, mushrooms, etc? That would fit perfectly with it, imo. If my character can think of DIYs for weeds & trash surely they can think up DIYs for maple leaves!
I am also not a fan.

However, it wasn't painful collecting them. (I just had to trade here in this forum.)
Big mood. I haven't completed a single seasonal DIY set since the Cherry Blossom one, which was also very difficult. I just don't have it in me, especially when balloons can be somewhat random?? I get that they kinda have a schedule but I still have to find out where they are on the map, all I have to go off of is what direction they float in, for the most part.
Agreed. I think I finally finished my fall collection, but I’ve put twenty or twenty five hours into the game in the past week, and at least fifteen to twenty of those hours were active balloon farming. And with running in and out of buildings every five minutes to try to maximize my odds of getting a balloon to spawn, I didn’t have much time to do anything else between balloons. It also took so long that now fall is pretty much over, and I’m gearing up to decorate for Christmas instead, which means I may not even use the items I’ve crafted until next year.

I really want to start decorating for Christmas, but the DIY window for that looks fairly brief, and a little close to the holiday for comfort. I’m worried that I’m not going to have time to collect everything, and it will take what should be a relaxing activity and turn it into something tedious and stressful.

I had no problem with the Spooky recipes, and didn’t have to shoot them down from balloons (I got all of them from villagers crafting DIYs). I wish all of the balloon recipes were available that way as well. I also appreciate events that let us buy the recipes (like the aftermath of Turkey Day, though I got those during the event).
I've managed to get 4-5 mushroom Diys from balloons (Excluding the ones i've traded on here). This was mostly from me tearing down my island and redecorating it since I was fed up of how it looked.

I think villagers/bottles should have these recipes at hand, as not every can or probably want to spend hours trying to farm DIY recipes.
Plus some people don't have access to trading platforms/nintendo online so, its not like they can get them if they miss them.

It seems like an odd feature to have exclusive to just balloons.
I am also not a big fan of seasonal recipes being in the balloons, but I’d rather have them in balloons than solely in the bottles...that would take so much longer 😔

i bet a good chunk of my hours in the past couple months was spent just balloon hunting for the fall, mushroom, and maple diys (and spooky too I guess). I hate how you get so many duplicates before you even complete the set 😩 if only you can get them from villagers as well then it would be much easier to complete
I did a combination of farming balloons and buying/trading on TBT to get the full Tree's Bounty, Mush, and Maple Leaf recipe sets for both my S/O and my own main + side characters. Yes, for the two side characters, I didn't have to get them this year, but I am a rip-the-bandaid-off-asap type of person.

I really liked the mechanism for obtaining Spooky recipes in October. It gave you another reason to spend time talking with your residents, and you were pretty much guaranteed to get all the recipes by the end of the month. You could speed up this process if you have the Nintendo Online subscription by visiting other islands with villagers crafting a Spooky recipe.

I think 90% of my playtime in November was spent farming balloons. There were some evenings where I gave up after an hour of running up and down the beach, only to get crafting materials. Then the next night, I would get a seasonal recipe (which may or may not be a duplicate) maybe once every five or so balloons. 🤷‍♀️ It might be just bad RNG luck, but I've never gotten a recipe from shooting down balloon while I was doing other stuff on my island, which is really unfortunate for folks who want to decorate with the seasonal items but may only have short periods of time throughout the day to play the game.
There were some evenings where I gave up after an hour of running up and down the beach, only to get crafting materials.

I did this every day. I somehow got almost all of the Spooky items and a mush partition, but that was it. NO MORE NO LESS. It’s almost got me thinking my copy of ACNH is broken or corrupted because it’s insane..
Oh my gods I completely agree I was literally just complaining about this to my boyfriend lmao. If they gave us DIYs in the bottles and through the villagers it would be totally fine! But the balloons are so annoying! They only come every once in a while and the balloons can be hard to find. Like I don’t want to spend my play time chasing after balloons! And then of course DIYs aren’t the only thing that could be in balloons! And you can get repeat ones or regular ones! Definitely a very annoying part of the game
I feel like the RNG changed with the Turkey Day event. It was raining balloons when Franklin was cooking and again today. I’ve gotten a bunch of mush diys in these last 2 days.
I feel like the RNG changed with the Turkey Day event. It was raining balloons when Franklin was cooking and again today. I’ve gotten a bunch of mush diys in these last 2 days.
I thought I was the only one! I noticed my balloons seemed to disappear for a while in November, and now they're back. 🤔
I found like 4 of the maple DIYs, and no mush ones during maple season. Then yesterday I got the last 3 mush DIYs I needed in less than an hour :rolleyes: