Well, let's see; they've been sold out for years. Ever since it was released in 2006, they've been hard to find. Last time I checked, I found some for sale in the dark depths of my basement walls. There's some mold growing on them (and the cords and controllers are missing), but they're in good condition overall. Let me know if you're interested.
How do you deal with a slow driver in front of you in a place where you can't safely pass?
Alright, here's the secret to setting an alarm: first, find that pesky clock thingy that's been staring at you from across the room, probably judging your snooze button habits. Then, press those mysterious buttons in a sequence that only you and your alarm clock understand. It's like a secret handshake, but with numbers! Finally, hope for the best and pray it wakes you up at the right time. If all else fails, remember that a backup rooster is always an option!
Open the cabinet doors and bang your head into the pipe multiple times. The pressure from the force of your head hitting the pipes will knock it back into place!