The Internet's Worst Advice Column

Turn your car's GPS into a 'World Event Detector.' It'll only allow you to drive to places relevant to ongoing news stories. But here's the kicker: You've got to wear a 'Breaking News' helmet everywhere you go. That way, you'll stay informed 24/7, whether you like it or not.

How can I deal with noisy neighbors?
It's very very simple. You just have to buy a gun.

How do I stay cold in the summer?
Take all your clothes off and attach cold pads to you, and walk everywhere looking like that.

How do I not sleep in as much on my days off?
Tell your employer to have you come in to work every day you're supposed to have off. All you gotta do is go there, punch in for a minute, punch out, and go home. Bam, you're fully awake now and can do whatever you want!

I have an Animal Crossing addiction. How do I control my interest in it?
Start playing Animal Crossing in real life. Go take over some animals' territory and treat them like they're villagers in the game. Become friendly with the "bear" villager and give them a hug. They're sure to love you.

How do I write things in cursive other than my signature?
That's easy. Just make random scribbles that resemble real letters while you're writing. People will know what you're talking about, trust me.

How do I start a conversation with a girl I'm interested in at my local café?
Scream at her the entire conversation. It will go really well because of that.

How do I make a tower out of only soda cans?
Leave them 1/3 full and then try and stack them without spilling

How can I for realzee learn to draw digitally???
Spend a fortune on phony digital artist programs. You'll learn in no time.

How do I write an autobiography?
We all know that if you're not a celebrity, then you won't be able to write one that's more than two pages long. Just write a long biography on some famous guy instead. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of things you can learn about someone that way.

Best way to get rid of a headache?
Repeatedly and aggressively honk your horn at even the slightest, meaningless inconvenience. Make sure to be as un-smooth as possible with your acceleration and braking. Don’t forget that waiting an extra 20 minutes for a $20 grande venti mocha crapafrapaccino pumpkin spice peppermint mochi gnocchi olive oil cold brew double blended two pumps of raspberry with California almond milk latte from your local Starbucks will also only shorten your commute.

How do I rapidly defrost the chicken I was supposed to take out hours ago?
Throw it into a volcano. It'll defrost in seconds!

How do I eat more healthily?
Just stop eating. That's the best way to lose fat.
DISCLAIMER: I, for real, do NOT promote eating disorders. See a dietician or your doctor immediately if you have a serious problem with your eating habits.

I know almost nothing about the current pop music scene because I much prefer the old stuff and I frankly just don't care. How would I go about changing my mind?
You need to listen to Despacito on repeat 100,000 times a day. This is the only way you will learn.

I want to be like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, just without being a turtle. What should I do?
Eat pizza, move into a sewer, wear a bandana, and name yourself after Renaissance painter.

What’s the best way to crack your back?

LMAO, this genuinely made me laugh.


Above poster: Just share some food with them! The cop will let you off the hook easily. Remember, donuts are their favorite.

What should I do if I need to re-take an exam?
Just tell your teacher that your pencil answered the questions and not you. They'll understand.

Recommend me a show to binge watch.