Cycling ♡♛▲ ❝ The Island of Icaria, a FREE ADOPTION Cycle Town ❞ ▲♛♡ -A lots happenin'

Hello, can I lurk for the following villagers:

Bunnie, Marshal, Erik, Beau, Kiki, Chief, Soleil, Deirdre and Fauna
Yayyy! Marcie found a home!

Daisy is in the campsite and I am currently trying to convince her to move here. She is incredibly loyal and insists she must stay in the town she lives at now due to strong friendships. But I am very determined to get her- I know CaptainCrunch really wants her!:)
Yes you may! I will add you!

- - - Post Merge - - -

After an incredibly long and grueling rock-paper-scissors tournament in which the adorable yellow lab consistently won..


She finally took pity on my incessant persistence and decided to move to Icaria.


Yay for Daisy! ♥
thanks so much for this and good luck! May I lurk for Stitches and Goldie?
Hey everyone, I think that this thread is really special so let's take the time to click the little "Rate this thread" button and give this thread 5 stars. <3
Hello! Can I lurk for the following villagers?
Antonio, Blanche,Vesta, Roald, Hugh

I made sure they weren't on the lurk list already! If there are too many, I can take a few off. Thanks! :)
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I will gladly add you all shortly, please give me some time to do so, thank you for your patience. ^^ ♥ (I've been very busy this weekend)

Buuuuut.. I have some news!!

Keaton the thoughtful. ♥

Name: Keaton
Species: Eagle
Gender: Male
Personality: Smug
Birthday: June 1st
Catchphrase: "wingo"
Photo Quote: "Even in a room full of fools, someone is the smartest."

Keaton is incredibly kind and thoughtful. Upon interacting with him, I feel as though he's less flirty than most smugs. He's more sincere. His color scheme is very vivid and unique, he is absolutely a treasure to behold. Keaton certainly isn't a villager I see a lot around people's towns, and it's a shame that that is the case. I just hope you see the true potential in this vibrant eagle, for he has a lot to give!♥

He's 100% original. He will be available for the next 8 hours for pick-up tonight. If no one claims him, it is undetermined as to how long I can hold him.. he is in boxes unlike Marcie. Marcie pinged me and gave me a date. I did another method to move a villager out, which cause Keaton to pack up into boxes unexpectedly. Which also means that sadly.. I don't have any pictures of me interacting with him in Icaria. <//3 He was one of the newest move-ins and I just never snapped one. Now he's in boxes so it's a bit late for that. ;w; </3

I hope someone will adopt this beautiful eagle!

Thank you!
Can I lurk Chevre, Flora, and Midge (tier5) when you have a chance? Thanks :)