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The Mormon Q&A Thread


Little Voice of Courage
May 10, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Silver Mailbox
20 Envelopes
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Some of you may not know me, so I'll introduce myself here. I'm Blues, and I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (more commonly referred to as "Mormons"). I figured some of you have questions about the Mormons, and so I made this thread to answer any questions as best as I can. I would appreciate, though, no blatantly trolling questions. I don't expect any, but just to be on the safe side. Anyway, I'm here to answer questions, and any other LDS folks can answer as well!
I'm Mormon too, but I believe this might be against forum rules. While I think it's great to answer questions, I think it would be better off in a private message. :p
There's nothing wrong with religious threads, just keep things civil guys. Keep it to respectful questions like the OP requested. I would prefer to not have to lock this thread.
What exactly is a mormon? All I know is not many people like them and I never bothered to look it up or ask.
Okay, this is a legitimate question, I swear. There is the common (misconception/idea) that when one is a Mormon, after death they can have their own planet/universe. I know some Mormons that ascribe to this, and I've only read a bit of the Mormon Bible, but where does that come from? Also, in conjunction with that, I've heard from a Mormon (and a few non-Mormons) that the reason one would ascribe to polygamy is to populate this planet. I'm asking this seriously, because I've heard both yes and no about these two things and I've just always wondered.
Do you know this guy named Fish? I hear you people all know each other.

Also, how much of the Book of Mormon have you actually read, and how much do you actually believe.
Lovemcqueen: A Mormon is, quite simply, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We received the nickname "Mormons" because we believe in a second book of scripture that supports and works in conjunction with the Bible. This book is called The Book of Mormon. We believe that, when Christ left the Earth, the true Church stayed around for a while, but that with the death of the apostles and the straying of individuals, the Church became corrupted and God took the authority of the Church away. We believe that, in the 1800s, a young man of 14 named Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ, and They told him that the true Church was not on the Earth. They then restored the true Church to the Earth through Joseph Smith, and with this Restoration came the authority of God, the priesthood, and the keys of the directing of the Lord's labors on Earth.

Bacon Boy: That is a legitimate question! This actually is a true belief. We are taught that, if we live the best lives we can, having followed Christ to the best of our abilities and used His Atonement to repent, His grace will save us. If this is all, we can inherit the highest Kingdom in the post-mortal life. If, though, we do all this and marry in the temple, we can attain the highest level in the highest Kingdom, in which we become gods and goddesses, and become like God Himself: able to create worlds and populate them with people. As for your second question, I'm not sure. Let me get back to you on that.

Mino: I do not, unless he has some other name. The second question: I have read all of the Book of Mormon, and I believe all of it. It is the keystone of my religion. I heard it once put this way: "The validity of the Book of Mormon is the most important thing. Either it is true, and all that we teach is true, or it is false, and we are liars and frauds." I firmly believe- know, even- that the Book of Mormon is true.

Eirynfox: We know that marriage and love is ordained to be between one man and one woman. That is what the Lord has revealed and spoken, in His scriptures as well as in modern-day revelation. This does not mean, however, that we shun those with other beliefs or feelings. Christ showed it best: He loved all, but did not love any amount of sin. That is our stance towards alternative lifestyles.

Thank you for all the questions, and I'm very willing to answer more! If I did not get to your question right now, I will in a bit.
My next question is why do people hate Mormons? Like, this is just an example so no one get mad at me, but not many people like Jehovahs Witness because they go to your door and preach about their religion. I hear the same amount of hate for Mormons as I do for JW's. Any idea why?
All the Mormons and Jehovahs Witnesses that came to our house were always really polite. I've worked in customer service, so I'm never really rude for no reason. I do like that no matter what weird thing I'm saying to gauge their reactions (e.g. me saying I'm about to go bang my hot wife), they never seem to respond outwardly lol. They stick to what they were originally there to do. :3
Lovemcqueen: That is an interesting question. There are a couple of things. One is that we don't conform to the world. To illustrate, we believe that homosexuality is a sin, where a prevailing view of the world is that it is a natural thing that shouldn't be wrong. Another thing I firmly believe, and whether someone sees this as the truth depends on their views of the Latter-Day Saint doctrine, is that we are followers of Christ. St John 15: 18-19 says, "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." Since we follow Christ, the world hates us, for it hates Christ.

revika: Good! Those were some good folks, then.

Thank you for the questions, and if I haven't answered yours (I haven't forgotten about Bambi, Bacon Boy, or gorgonara), I'll answer as soon as I can.
Wait.. so the Mormon church reject any Mormon who ever has homosexual views in his life? I mean like does in basically reject anyone who gets the idea of homosexuality?

Another question, what does the church of Mormon teach about having an affair with another woman who is not your wife. I know it is okay (not sure) to have multiple wives, but what are the rules on affairs with other women who arn't your wife?

Third question, is the woman viewed as below the male? I mean this as can a woman have multiple husbands if she wishes, and may a woman act as the head of the house?
I mean this as can a woman have multiple husbands if she wishes, and may a woman act as the head of the house?

'Dis be why I asked about polyandry.

Also, do you have many non-mormon friends? You ever feel excluded and junk? Also do you guys do birthdays/christmas/halloween, because my jehovah's Witness friend doesn't.
Wait.. so the Mormon church reject any Mormon who ever has homosexual views in his life? I mean like does in basically reject anyone who gets the idea of homosexuality?

Another question, what does the church of Mormon teach about having an affair with another woman who is not your wife. I know it is okay (not sure) to have multiple wives, but what are the rules on affairs with other women who arn't your wife?

Third question, is the woman viewed as below the male? I mean this as can a woman have multiple husbands if she wishes, and may a woman act as the head of the house?

2nd: It is an immoral act, and is completely wrong. Also, we don't have multiple wives anymore. That actually ended over a hundred years ago!

3rd: Not at all! The woman is viewed as an essential part of the marriage, and in the Church. Multiple husbands has never been an accepted practice in the Church, in any time or place. As for women being the head of the house, they can be if there is no holder of the Melchizedek Priesthood. The Melchizedek Priesthood is the highest order of the priesthood.

1st: Nope! We don't shun people. Christ loved all, but did not tolerate sin. That is our stance, as well. We should love all, despite their imperfections, but disagree with their sins and try to help them overcome them. That is one of the roles of the bishop (a local leader). He meets with people, hears their sins, and helps them to overcome them and repent of them.

gorgonara: I answered your question! The bullet labeled "3rd" has your answer. Do I have many non-Mormon friends? I do! I don't have that much interaction with them, because they were mostly all in school, but I don't really feel excluded. When I do, it's more a feeling of that I wish they would have clean lifestyles, not filled with swearing and *possibly* drinking and what-not. As for holidays, we do! I personally love Christmas and my birthday. Halloween isn't my favorite, but every year my ward (local church group) has a Trunk-or-Treat to celebrate!

Don't worry, Bambi and Bacon Boy! I haven't forgotten about you! I just want to talk with my bishop and make sure my answers are correct. It wouldn't do to go and give you false information!
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How would you feel being described as fundamentalist? Also is your family mormon or did you convert? Sorry if im flooding you, A level theology student so im interested in this junk. ? ▽ ` )ノ
How would you feel being described as fundamentalist? Also is your family mormon or did you convert? Sorry if im flooding you, A level theology student so im interested in this junk. ? ▽ ` )ノ

No, it's great! I love sharing this stuff! My family is Mormon. I can't remember how far back, but at the very least three generations. And what do you mean by 'fundamentalist?'