"Clouds look like cotton candy. I bet they taste sooo good."
"All hail the garlic!"
"I love Angelo, but I have way better taste in music."
"I have a short temper. SO WHAT? WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT?!"
"I'm trying to find a way to cut out sleeping. It's such a time waster!"
"Sometimes screaming is a good stress reliever. It scares cats and kids, though."
"I never talk behind people's backs, unless they're in the front and I'm in the back."
"I saw Malon trip on the stairs the other day. It was hilarious."
"I'm pretty lucky, I'd say. My toast never, ever burns."
"Nothing is impossible. Not even the impossible!"
"I'm not good at compliments. By the way, your hair's less ugly than usual."
"I don't like action figures. I LOVE action figures."
"I don't waste my time on frivolous things. Like showers. Who needs 'em?"
"I'm told I work best when I'm under pressure. Let's not test that theory."
"It bothers me to no end when I hear someone mispronounciate something.