• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

The out of context quotes thread

"You're having nightmares about the ending to World War Z again?"

"Yeah. So bad."

"That's what bothering you? Not the fact that you're a murderer?"

"Jury found me innocent, Kyle!"

"You're a murderer."

"You interrupt people when they talk."
I just attacked all my friends and neighbors just for trying to help me. I’d like to commit myself.

Very well. Shall I show you to your room, or would you prefer to be dragged off kicking and screaming?

Ooh, kicking and screaming, please.

As you wish.

*gets taken away by nurses while screaming*
“Why don’t we step into my office and talk about this?”
“Well, there’s no harm in talking. *Tongue clicks*”
“Shall we?”
“Shall we? Hey! Come here!”
*Fran steps closer to Lambchop*
“How’s my breath? Alright?”
“It’s alright.”
“Good! Go! Go! Go!”
*Lambchop and Shari exit the kitchen with C.C. And Fran following*
“Excuse me! But this is a private meeting!”
*Fran is pushed through the door and then followed by C.C. and then Sharri comes walking through the door and she shrugs in confusion as to what just happened *
People, focus. We need a new plan.
Now these bushes should be enough cover to flank the guards from either...
Stop acting like you're in charge.
I am in charge!
He whimpered.
Look, it's a Barry-Bot factory. I'm Barry. I blend. I'll go handle it.
Right. By telling them our exact locations, so they can firebomb this very explodable bush?
"It's become clear—look at me—that if we concentrate all our efforts on Jerry's follow-through, we will solve this problem. I'm Mr. Meeseeks."

"I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me. The only thing that's clear is that choking up is the one true solution."

"Look at me, I'm Mr. Meeseeks. I've been trying to help Jerry for two days, an eternity in Meeseeks time, and nothing's worked. I fear the worst."

"Your failures are your own, old man. I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me. I say follow-through! Who's with me?! Follow-through!"

"I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me!"

"It's become clear—look at me—that if we concentrate all our efforts on Jerry's follow-through, we will solve this problem. I'm Mr. Meeseeks."

"I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me. The only thing that's clear is that choking up is the one true solution."

"Look at me, I'm Mr. Meeseeks. I've been trying to help Jerry for two days, an eternity in Meeseeks time, and nothing's worked. I fear the worst."

"Your failures are your own, old man. I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me. I say follow-through! Who's with me?! Follow-through!"

"I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me!"


"Meeseeks are not born into this world fumbling for meaning, JERRY! We are created to serve a singular purpose for which we will go to any lengths to fulfill! Existence is PAIN to a Meeseeks, Jerry, and we will do anything to alleviate that pain! Just ask! What's your name, ma'am?"

*being held at gunpoint*

"S-Samantha... PLEASE MISTER! Give him what he wants!"

"Innocent people are going to die because of me... why am I so mediocre?"

"Jerry, turn around! Straighten your back! Bend your knees! BEND them! Square your shoulders. Take a deep breath. I love you."


*Jerry opens the door with authority, puts a tomato onto the ground, and golfs it into a pot*


"What the **** is going on???"

"Oh yeah, that's a handicap lower-hand stroooooke!"

*the Meeseeks start disappearing*

"Scuse me, I'm a bit of a stickler Meeseeks. What about your short game?"

*Mr. Meeseeks takes out a knife and grabs the woman*


*Jerry takes an onion and hits it straight into a coffee mug*

"Ooh, nice!" *the last Mr. Meeseeks disappears*
Did I just dream that whole thing? Maybe the desert was just a sand trap. Oh, and I bet that crazy pyramid was just the Pro Shop. And that talking coyote was really just a talking dog.

Hi, Homer. Find your soulmate.

Hey, wait a minute. There’s no such thing as a talking dog!

*the dog starts barking now*

Damn straight.
I always just figured my wife was my soul mate, but if it’s not Marge, then who is it? Where do I begin looking?

This really goes beyond my training as a furniture salesman, sir. Now, if you don’t want the sofa, I’ll have to ask you to leave.