Aren’t you guys hearing that? Hello? Guys? Guys! Where is that music coming from!? Why are the lights fading!? What is happening!?
Put some pep in your step! And now, back to Quack Pack!
What is going on!? Everything went black, then someone drank a pep, and what is Quack Pack! Something weird is going on here, but I can't put a finger on it.
You seemed stressed, did I put too much pressure on you?
No! I'm stressed because the veil of reality is disintegrating and no one seems to notice!
"Guys, don't approach that bear!"
"Why not?"
"Because that bear... is on drugs."
"I'm calling the police. They'll know what to do."
"I'm here, and I brought a firearm."
"Hurry up and kill it!"
"I can't! It's moving too fast for me to aim properly because of the-- AHHHHH!!"
"Welp, he's dead."
"That's it, I'm calling in the military." *a few moments later*
"Yeah, I'm sorry, but that bear decimated our entire squadron. We're going to have to call in the nuke." *a few more moments later*
"Guys, I have some bad news... the nuclear bomb didn't kill the bear, and now it's a radioactive bear on drugs..."
"WHAT?! How is that possible?!?"
"That's it, we're going to try and negotiate with the bear." *Morgan Freeman's voice overhead:* "and so, let it be known that a species known as humans, who once thought they are the top of the food chain, got bested by a radioactive bear on drugs... yep, that's right... a single radioactive bear on drugs... don't ask me who came up with this movie as they're probably very, very dumb."
”if i was that man, and those ladies started talking to me like that, i’d throw the mozzarella in the pool.”
we were watching the real housewives of new jersey :,)
"Here we are, moments away from the classic's opening coin toss. Glomgold's now very obviously switching the official coin for one that has heads on both sides."
"Very sneaky."
"He tosses the double headed coin, and Glomgold has called...tails? Glomgold clearly embarrassed, now trying to throw the coin into the ocean."
"He does not make it."
"Scrooge, desperate to move things along, has agreed to let Glomgold win the coin toss."
“Or you could go hang yourself!”
“Yeah! We found this really nice rope you could use....”
“I’m not gonna hang myself!”
“Okay. I’ll just leave the rope right here just in case!”