“If it’s alive don’t lick it.”
“Like a horse, a turtle, or a cricket.”
“So if you’re not sure if it’s alive or dead, poke it with a stick and lick the stick instead!”
“Why Granny! What BIG ADENOIDS you’ve got!”
“What the heck is it with you people?! Can’t you see I’ve been eaten by the-?”
*Wolf swallows Granny and she starts screams as she goes down*
“What noisy adenoids.”
“What are adenoids?”
“Gee I dunno!”
“Me?! But I’m married to the Lord!”
“HEY I’M married to the Lord!”
“Oh no you’re not!”
*Nuns start fighting and fall into an open grave*
*Gravedigger jumps into the open grave*
“Wait, I've got a better plan
To catch this big red lobster man
Let's pop him in a boiling pot
And when he's done we'll butter him up!
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, throw him in a box
Bury him for ninety years, then see if he talks.”
”I’m sorry, honey, but we can’t just build a girl out of spare parts.”
“It’s true! I’ve tried.”
“Hmmm. Maybe there’s another way.”
*Cutscene transition into the same scene*
“Well? What’s the other way?”
”Oh right right!”
The Ambiguously Gay Duo! The Ambiguously Gay Duo! They are taking on evil, come what may, They are fighting all crime to save the day. They're extremely close in an ambiguous way. They're ambiguously gay. They're ambiguously gay. The Ambiguously Gay Duo!
“Hi Dad!”
*Bob seeing Milo in drag*
“Son, it‘s okay if you want to be a girl. We just need to break this to your mother gently.”
“But Mom did this to me.”
“They always do, son. They always do.”