The Person Below Me...

Not yet. Maybe one day it'll happen.

The person below me discovered an awesome new song today.
Yes! "Glamour Superstar" by Lene Alexandra lol.

The person below me is eating Thanksgiving leftovers today.
Yeah, definitely. We've got them at both the jobs I've worked this year (though my now-single job only has them at the schools themselves and not at our bus garage).

The person below me refuses to follow a popular trend for certain reasons.
I guess I try not to act ghetto because it's annoying.

The person below me has read Calvin and Hobbes before.
Oh yeah. I actually wasted many hours of my life doing that without time travelling. Took me an entire year, but it was worth it!

The person below me auditioned for something as a kid.

The person below me enjoys going out and looking at the moon
Better than the stuff they put out these days. If you’re going to make me laugh at a sitcom that is current, you’ll have to avoid mentioning stupid internet trends or spew out humorous swears every 10 seconds like you have the rare-yet-well known form of Tourette’s.

The person below me bought a collectable last week.