The Person Below Me...

No. I don’t participate in that.

The person below me has had a headache in the past week.
Yeah. I had one a few hours ago actually, but it’s mostly gone now thankfully. 😅

The person below me likes cooking/baking.
I don’t, but I think it’s nice seeing other peoples’ creations.

The person below me has uploaded at least one YouTube video in their lifetime.
Yes, I had a channel when I was younger - obviously the videos were awful though lol

The person below me likes reading.
I honestly don’t. I don’t find it enjoyable in the slightest.

The person below me likes coffee.
I've never actually had it before.

The person below me just woke up.
Nah. I had to wake up for work again, extremely tired as usual.

The person below me watched a Christmas movie/special recently.
My profile picture.

The person below me has eaten snow on purpose.
Some of them! Like lepidopterans (and most of their caterpillars), mantises, beetles, lacewings, odonata, stickbugs, leafhoppers, katydids, and bees for example ^^

The person below me likes reptiles.
Ehhhhh, not really. They feel weird to the touch and snakes are especially freaky.

The person below me won something recently.