The Person Below Me...

Yeah, I’m confused as to why I’m spending so much time on here when I should be working.

The person below me is a fan of a sports team.
Modern, yes. It used to be good but it's gone to crap.

The person below me is at home right now.
Nope. Been meaning to though.

The person below me doesn't have cable for their home.
We still do, though we’ll be getting rid of it in December.

The person below me can’t stay awake.
It's alright, though it's not my preference. Creamsicle soda, however, is where it's at.
Here's a twist:

If you grow facial hair: The person below me participated in no-shave November.
If you don't: The person below me grew out their hair in November.
I may have grown out my hair a little. I'm AFAB so I'm not growing any facial hair anytime soon.

The person below me ate breakfast today.
i did not. i do not usually eat breakfast, but i might do just that now, considering its 5am here.

The person below me should be sleeping currently.
I should be, and I’m about to sleep soon.

The person below me listens to some kind of sleep meditation / music to help them fall asleep.
Not often, but I have occasionally mainly relaxing ac and loz music lol

The person below me prefers to write with blue pen
Nope, actually one of my least favorite genres TBH.

The person below me had or has work or school today.
I had work today and I have work tomorrow, as well.

The person below me should be sleeping right now.
i should, but it’ll probably be another hour or two (at the earliest) before i actually try to get to sleep. 😅

the person below me crossed something off of their bucket list this year.
I didn’t have a bucket list, but I did come out of my shell and make a few big decisions that were crucial in improving my mental health. I made a few new friends and gained a lot more confidence in the process.

The person below me has already built a snowman this year.
No, because it hasn't snowed yet here. Not enough to make a snowman, at least.

The person below me has flown a drone before.