The Person Below Me...

I didn’t drink water at all today.

The person below me is procrastinating cleaning their room.
My room is clean enough as I just swapped bedrooms with my sister (who has her own place). There’s a few things that still need to be put away, but I can’t figure out where. The rest of my house is a flippin’ mess, and I barely contribute to said mess.

The person below me will celebrate a birthday in the next month.
not mine, but my mom’s birthday is on the 19th. ✨

the person below me ate breakfast today.
Yes, and I know I'm awesome.

The person below me loved the games Pokémon Heartgold/Soulsilver.
I never actually played it, but despite that, I still think it's the best Pokémon remake.

The person below me is an extrovert.

The person below me already has their Christmas decorations up (if you don't celebrate, that's cool)
I don't celebrate nor do I have decorations up.

The person below me is currently accessing TBT using their phone.
Half the time I do, but I posted this message using my computer.

The person below me is really happy about something at the moment.
Not particularly! I'm just in a good mood overall. 😎

The person below me had a salad at some point this week.
I haven't. I'm not a fan of salads, despite the place I work at specializing in salads, lmao.

The person below me prefers vanilla milkshakes over chocolate milkshakes.
This is true, although vanilla milkshakes are a bit boring without something else to spice it up.

The person below me prefers the texture of glass over wood.
i do! i prefer the smooth, cool texture that glass has over the rougher texture of wood.

the person below me is done christmas shopping for this year.
Partially, I've had some gifts for like 6 months, but then I still need to get about 4? more I think??

The person below me has decorated for Christmas already
Only the outside of the house. We’ll need to put up our Christmas tree sometime this week.

The person below me laughed at something last week.
Yeah, I did. Should be heading to sleep soon.

The person below me had at least one full glass or bottle of water today to drink.
Only about half a bottle so far, although it's not too late in the day for me yet.

The person below me has finished getting/making christmas presents for people.