The Person Below Me...

I like all kinds of dinner. If someone invites me heck yea. That's a free meal!

The person below me has made hot chocolate already this winter.
Surprisingly yes, despite the fact that I have somewhat more body fat than the average person.

The person below me regularly wears hats.
Sometimes, but usually not actively. I don't really sit down to watch a lot of TV like I used to. If a home team is doing well I usually tune in for support, but other than that I don't really follow all the different teams.

The person below me prefers cold weather over hot weather.
No, definitely not. Summer is my favourite season and I can't stand feeling cold.

The person below me watches/keeps up to date with the news.
Definitely not. I hate the news. If something is happening and I need to know about it, I will eventually hear about it without watching the news. Otherwise, it's probably not that important.

The person below me doesn't like pizza.
I do like pizza, but it depends. There are some kinds I don't care for and there are a lot of pizzas that are just adequate, but overall I do like a well made pizza.

The person below me likes the place where they currently reside. (Like the state, town ect)
I really like my town and the fact that I’m in a suburb of a major city. However, there are drawbacks.

Same question?
Almost ninja'd, but you asked the same question so it doesn't matter.
My state is okay. So is the town I live in. I definitely can't say the same about my school, though.

The person below me is hungry right now.
nope, I just ate some pizza rolls for dinner not too long ago.

The person below me didn’t have a typical Christmas dinner.
Nope. Never. Home is best.

The person below me is gonna be sad when Eggnog is gone until next year.
Nah, never tried it. Didn't even know it was exclusive to Christmastime.

The person below me is a homebody.
When I don't have to go to work, 100% yes. I barely have any motivation to want to do anything outside the house, and there's no chill places nearby where someone my age can go and meet new people.
And it's also why I can't get a girlfriend

The person below me is going to a party on New Year's.