The Person Below Me...

Yes, but not by choice. 😣

The person below me still lives with a parent(s), pibling(s) (aunt or uncle), sibling(s), etc.
By law, I think I have to.

The person below me is relieved that 2023 is over.
HAHA, nope! 2023 was an amazing year for me. I'm more worried that 2024 is going to be worse in some way, lol.

The person below me has had dinner already.
True, it's the only chocolate I really like LOL

The person below me currently has painted nails
No. Good luck to everyone who is working, though!

The person below me is staying up until midnight tonight.
I stay up until past midnight just about every night, lol.

The person below me had a cookout for New Year’s Eve.
Sometimes. I only like a few nowadays

The person below me has dark-colored hair (natural or otherwise)
I don’t like any coffee, so no.

The person below me uses Discord for communication.
No, haven't ever used it due to a major lack of interest.

The person below me has at least six letters in their username.
Oh my gosh, yes! It's always my preference!

The person below me celebrated New Year's Eve/New Year's Day. 🎆