The Person Below Me...

Not really. I just watched the ball drop with my mom and pets, and heard Megan Thee Stallion say “yada yada yada yada yada” over and over right after that. At least I laughed at how bad that performance was (though I’ll admit one of the parts was actually catchy for a moment).

The person below me is already acting on their New Year’s resolution.
I don't have a New Year's resolution.

The person below me prefers their electronics to be black.
Not necessarily! I would say my preferred colour would be dark grey. I bought my current laptop within the last year, and I thought it was dark grey until after I ordered it, and noticed it was listed as "midnight blue". It really is just a dark grey-blue, but I like it a lot!

The person below me is glad Christmas is over. 🤔🎄❄️
I'm happy it's over since that means winter is almost over.

The person below me has at least one close friend in real life.
It doesn't seem like it these days as they've suddenly stopped talking to me for reasons unknown, but at this point last year I had a close friend. Right now, however, I'm running solo and keeping my communication skills alive by talking to everyone here and my co-workers.

The person below me doesn't play mobile games.
I don’t. They aren’t fun and they drain battery quickly depending on the game.

The person below me doesn’t like pizza.
Wrong. I do like pizza.

The person below me has a PlayStation or some kind.
True, the older ones are my favorites.

The person below me can sew
Oh I wish. We had to sew badges for this badge sash thing when I was younger, and I sucked.

The person below me has seen either Openiheimer or/and Barbie this year
Nope. Seen neither. Don’t plan to either.

The person below me likes ice cream cake
I do! I don’t have it very often and I think I prefer regular cake more, but it’s still very yummy 🫶

The person below me celebrates Valentine’s Day
I do not. I don’t like holidays in general and I will be single on Valentine’s Day.

The person below me likes sugar cookies.
They’re really good, yes. They’re the best when they’re soft.

The person below me never factors in a Rotten Tomatoes score on whether or not they like a movie.
Well, not literally (December 6th), but I consider the whole month of December to be winter as I'm a Michigander, so yes.

The person below me has already started a new semester in school.