The Person Below Me...

Heeeeeeeeeeck no. That’s a long-distant dream of mine.

The person below me brushed their teeth today (be honest).
I brush every day, so yeah.

The person below me has eaten fast food within the last week.
I haven't consumed fast food for many years now (and I plan to keep things that way).

The person below me has played at least one SNES video game in their life.
Yeah. I type fast.

The person below me is tired right now.
I am! And I have to say, non-dairy ice cream has gotten significantly better in the last 10 years.

The person below me is listening to music right now
Yep, currently listening to random ‘70s rock tracks per usual.

The person below me had a secret they previously kept from their parent(s).
I did.

The person below me likes to customize their electronics with stickers and/or cases.
Normally no, but I decided to put some on my Switch dock as of late.

The person below me is currently dealing with some form of pain on their body, other than a headache.
Yup. My tummy hurts today. lol

The person below me has recently laughed so hard at something, they felt like they were going to pass out.
Definitely not.

The person below me would have loved to go to a nocturnal school rather than their school with regular hours.
Kinda! I’m way more alert and active at night. Actually, when I first started community college in person I only went to evening classes and they started in the winter and it was dark for the whole class. When Daylight Savings Time rolled around, I was shocked to see that there were trees and stuff behind the building instead of just a black void lol! It was trippy.

The person below me is at their own house right now.