The Person Below Me...

Not really. I don't have a large interest in the series, but I did pick up Detective Pikachu Returns and will play that at some point. It's considered a spinoff, so that's not a "real" Pokémon game.

The person below me has a guilty pleasure video game.
I don’t think I do. I used to play anime gatcha games in the past but got sick of the micro transactions and stuff.

The person below me watches Markiplier.
I typically only drink one or two sodas a week, usually less, so I’d say no. I mostly just drink water.

The person below me is looking forward to something this week!
I wouldn’t say that. It’s a pretty normal week for me.

The person below me usually has trouble waking up in the morning.
Yes, definitely.

The person below me is an extrovert.
I am, as long as it isn’t political related.

The person below me tried something new in the past week.
I tried blue jelly for the first time! We always get the other colours on the rare occasions we make jelly

The person below me has allergies
The only thing I’m allergic to is whatever ingredient is found in melatonin pills. Even then, only my eyes slightly puff up. Other than that, I’m not allergic to any foods or objects to my knowledge.

The person below me has an upcoming vacation planned.
Nah, I took two vacations last year. I may go to California this summer, but that's still very much in the yes/no stage.

The person below me likes to eat pancakes.
Pancakes? Yes, pancakes are very yummy. 🥞✅ But I like mine thin. Soft and fluffy, but thin. None of this spongy nonsense. ❌🧽 I like adding fruit to it, like banana 🍌 and strawberries 🍓, but we all know waffles are superior.💪🧇👅🥵 I mean, come on, they're crispy on the outside and soft on the inside and the square pockets on the surface retain syrup better than pancakes! Pancakes absorb the syrup and then become dry and soggy. 👎

The person below me is a responsible individual who does not commit folly and tomfoolery with the Pitfall Seeds. I certainly do. I bury those suckers behind trees where people can't see them, hehehehe.... 😈
I do! It’s one of my favourite desserts, if not my #1 favourite!

The person below me celebrates Easter
I used to but I was able to stop.

The person below me made their bed today.