The Person Below Me...

No. There's probably no hope for my hair anyways.

The person below me hasn't had snow yet this winter, where they live.
Wrong. It’s happened multiple times so far. There’s even going to be a snowstorm tomorrow.

The person below me is good at baking.
Yep! I inherited a lot of my grandpa's abilities lol

The person below me has never watched Heathers (specifically the musical).
I haven’t! The closest I’ve seen is the Heathers episode of Riverdale, which was… definitely an episode! 😄

The person below me went to the beach at least once last summer
No. I’ve actually never gone to the beach before.

The person below me had something to eat today.
I just ate a burrito, so yes.

The person below me has previously dyed their hair an unnatural color, or wants to.
I always wear hats. The only times I don't is when I'm washing my hair or sleeping.

The person below me has gone out to eat at a restaurant recently.
No, not recently.

The person below me changes their avatar and signature on the site at least once every four months.
Nope. I don't even know how to make a signature correctly 😅

The person below me plans to do nothing for Valentines
Correct. I like them more than long pants.

The person below me likes to eat at restaurants.
I don't care for it, honestly. I prefer takeout.

The person below me is currently listening to music.
Not at the moment.

The person below me likes to exercise daily