Basically what you do here is make a short paragraph of a villager doing something then include a random villager at the end like this
''Genji blablablblakblabalsslbbnfbjdkfhrkjngkjsndgkjbdjfgbkjfdbgkjdbgkjbdfjkgbfdjbgkjfdbgjdfbjkb and then marshal shrugged''
The second person would have to start with Marshal, and end with a villager of their choice.
Marshal walked down the snow-covered path, while Rosie pretended to be a ninja. Cookie the demon sneaked up behind Marshal, and pushed him face flat in the snow! And then, Genji punched Cookie to oblivion. Genji the hero! ;D
''Genji blablablblakblabalsslbbnfbjdkfhrkjngkjsndgkjbdjfgbkjfdbgkjdbgkjbdfjkgbfdjbgkjfdbgjdfbjkb and then marshal shrugged''
The second person would have to start with Marshal, and end with a villager of their choice.
Marshal walked down the snow-covered path, while Rosie pretended to be a ninja. Cookie the demon sneaked up behind Marshal, and pushed him face flat in the snow! And then, Genji punched Cookie to oblivion. Genji the hero! ;D