The Villager Roleplay Game


Oct 1, 2013
Love Tokens
Heart Dust
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Ancient Lantern
Dusty Scroll
Basically what you do here is make a short paragraph of a villager doing something then include a random villager at the end like this
''Genji blablablblakblabalsslbbnfbjdkfhrkjngkjsndgkjbdjfgbkjfdbgkjdbgkjbdfjkgbfdjbgkjfdbgjdfbjkb and then marshal shrugged''

The second person would have to start with Marshal, and end with a villager of their choice.

Marshal walked down the snow-covered path, while Rosie pretended to be a ninja. Cookie the demon sneaked up behind Marshal, and pushed him face flat in the snow! And then, Genji punched Cookie to oblivion. Genji the hero! ;D
Then Hamusuta came in at 100 miles an hour naked, riding on a wrecking ball which smacked Genji in the face and he went flying. Hamusuta did not realize this and just kept singing, "I CAME IN LIKE A WEREKCINGGGGGGGG BALLLLLLLLLLLLL" to which everyone stared at him. He didn't care because he had more swag than all of them.
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Hamusuta then continued to sing "Wrecking Ball", until Shep came up to him and told him that had more swag than Hamusuta. Hamusuta got angry with Shep, since he knows he has more swag, and the two of them had a swag-off. Shep ended up winning, and it lead to Hamusuta hitting Shep in the face with awrecking ball, since he was a sore loser.
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Shep fell into the snow, trampled by the wrecking ball, then Julian came up to him and handed him a cheeseburger, which was soon stolen by Lolly. The three then watched the BBC sherlock series together, until Hugh came twerking over to them singing 'don't you wish your gf was hot like me'
Hugh was finishing up his twerking and singing, but then suddenly Merengue came up and socked him in the head! After all that ruckus Merengue was watering flowers, without a care in the world.. Merengue finished her watering, and went along to Goldie's house to deliver a present.
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As merengue was delivering the present, Julia threw a snowball at her.
''SCIENCE, B!TCH!'' Rosie clapped, divebombing into the river for no apparent reason
Merengue's present was stolen by a Kid Cat, who kept on running, and running, and running...
..and running, until he got into the grand canyon, where he fell. Luckily, Mira caught him and kissed him straight on the cheekieedeeekies
Hamusuta then threw a brick at Julian which hit him in the head, leaving the unicorn unconscious on the floor.
He then went up to the unconscious body and began twerking hardcore with Miley Cyrus' "23" playing in the background.
AND BOOOM MAGIC UNICORN POWERS ACTIVATE ! Julian flew over to the world to look for others in need for kindness when he came along a grumpy old fellow named Wart Jr....
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Hamusuta stopped twerking and cried. His masterplan had failed, he would no longer become the worlds best twerker because Julian flew away.
He then walked up to everyone else, "WASSUP BIZNATCHESSSSSSSSSSSSSS"
[Hamusata you aint doing it right, your supposud to start the paragraph with the villager the last person posted at the end.. like, I posted mira but you started with hamusata?]
('scuse u hamusuta is the best villager. just imagine him being a nicknamed hamlet, like you can nickname pokemon hell-o)
Hamusuta then twerked everyone in the village but Fauna, who at all times remains perfectly innocent and clean. The villagers remained in a disturbed, hazy condition, until Diana came along aaannndd.....
[Um. I will close this thread if people continue breaking rules. I made this thread for fun and i don't like it when people do the same things 23 times. The miley cyrus and going off the villager the first time was funny but now its getting a bit annoying.]

Diana walked up like what up in the club and grabbed a can of coke and poured it all over Bruce's face. ''THATS FOR NOT CALLING ME WHEN YOU SAID YOU WOULD, YA B!TCH.'' Bruce held up his.. middle hooves? and walked off
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Hamusuta the HAMLET stopped twerking and looked over to Diana and Bruce, he then whispered loudly to everyone "ohhhhhhhh drama bombbbbbb." whilst sat down and watched intensely.
Bruce went over and apologised to Diana: "ILY FOREVER GURL"
Diana slammed the door in his face, but Shep..
... shep was still unconscious, the poor guy. Meanwhile Goldie was at TT Epourium shopping for a few things..
when Merengue came over to her, to ask her if she had a spare 1000 bells. Goldie got angry, because Meregue already borrowed 1200 bells from her yesterday, and punched Meregue in the face, since she was so angry. It cause her strawberry to fall off and she said...
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and she came across something peculiar in the emporium: a dog leash. At first, she didn't know what it was but when she asked Timmy what it was, she yelped and went running full blast out of the emporium. While she was running out, Apple was walking in with her SUPER CUTE CHUNKY FACE and started demanding answers from the store after her copy of "I love you" was not working properly...