Merengue, Julian, and Marshal were at home sitting around the table, playing BS. Marshal had the most cards and was quickly losing. Suddenly, Mira jumped in and started dancing on the table. She stayed there until Pippy came in and smacked her. There was an awkward silence until...
The cliff was actually the table, so Mira was still alive, but was badly injured. They took her to the hospital, where the doctor, Cookie, told them...
"You have seven seconds to live," Cookie looked up, grimly. Seven seconds later, Mira, looked up and said, "Ha! Seven-and-a-half!" She then proceeded to die.
Tangy, the nurse, was wheeling away the stretcher with Mira's body on it, when...
sassed, "Aw, heck no you ain't throwin' dead bodies at me!" Suddenly, the ceiling opened and delivered several dead bodies at Blaire's sarcastic request. Francine and Chrissy appeared and gave a high-five to each other. Then Chrissy...
felt sad and gave Blaire a hug, but Francine was still in hyper mode and raced to a lever that pulled a ferocious pile of pirahanas onto Blaire. Luckily blaire scrammed out of the way but Francine couldn't make it in time. Suddenly Mira's body began to emerge into a zombie as Hugo walked into the room...
Hugo saw what was happening and called the police. Booker soon arrived, examined the scene, and said, "OK, looks like a crime scene," then walked out of the room. Chrissy was still screaming from the piranha attack, and Francine pulled her out. Hugo chased after Booker for his horrible investigations, but...
possesses Hugo and Booker, making them both do his bidding. He has booker arrest Marshal, his arch nemesis and brings him to the police station. Then, Stitches has Hugo go and make a fool of himself in front of several females, which were Bianca, Bangle and Ch?vre. Ch?vre screamed as Hugo...
...started dancing like a madman, when suddenly Bruce came and punched Hugo while shouting, "You ain't belong to this game!", sending him flying away to his place. However, Chevre screamed even louder, causing everyone else faint, and her fainting shortly after the scream. Then Snake, who has been hiding on his cardboard box, saw that everyone has fainted, and went out immediately to put a rainbow bomb on Stitches's body, because Stitches is a world-class criminal and Snake is the spy who's supposed to dispose him. As he finished his job, he went away when suddenly...