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Things Players are missing out on.


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Oct 3, 2011
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A lot of you are posting your New Leaf frustrations here http://www.belltreeforums.com/showt...at-annoy-on-NL&p=1373544&posted=1#post1373544

But it makes me mad when you complain about something that isn't exactly true.

SO HERE IT IS. The answers to most of your complains

1. Kapp'n keeps singing - I Hate it
-Press B repeatedly or tap the screen repeatedly and he'll stop

2. Blathers won't Blather - He isn't scared of bugs
-Yes, this feature is still in the game. To make Blathers blather you must donate 1 item at a time... Remember in previous AC games, you could only donate 1 thing at a time.

3. No easy way to add friends of friends
Its actually easier than it was in Wild Word. Press the Persons name and they will be instantly added as a friend and will receive a private message saying you added them so they can return the favor.

This is all for now. I will add more as I finish reading all the complaints. If you know of any post them below and I will add them and give you credit.

(I typed this up on my phone so it probably has grammar errors or typos)
Blathers still doesn't chat up a storm like he did in GC and WW though, even if you donate one at a time. He just says things like "this reminds me of when I was in my mother's nest..." and then stops. In the old games, he'd go into more detail talking about that particular bug or fossil or what have you.
That mother's nest comment is weird. Okay, so how does a centipede remind you of that, Blathers? o__o;

I miss his old blathering about things I'd donated but I'm grateful that it's archived somewhere else in the museum.

Just in case I get quoted, I was informed as to why he would say the above. Thanks though. :3
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yeah I kind of miss all the info hed give about a particular donation and that he would tell me if I donated a fossil that completed the rest of the set, but I really really love the way the info is sorted and displayed in front of the exibits. Instead of having to read through every one you can tap the thing you want to read about and I think its enough of a trade off. The only downside is that Blathers just doesnt have as much character and depth, but I think players of the last games know enough about him to make it ok... and I think new players to the game dont miss anything. Speeding up the donation process was worth it in my eyes.
I was annoyed about the blathers thing too, but I found that the information stands located around the museum made up for that! Very informative. ^^
I was annoyed about the blathers thing too, but I found that the information stands located around the museum made up for that! Very informative. ^^

Plus you can re-read it. Old games was a one time deal. You skipped it that was it
To be fair Blathers isn't what he used to be...

Although I think maybe since there's a detailed description in the museum itself about each item, maybe they thought he didn't need to blather anymore?

Even so it would have been cool if along with the usual museum options they gave you the option to choose from a group of conversation topics (that change every day) and he would blather on about it for ages and get carried away.
That mother's nest comment is weird. Okay, so how does a centipede remind you of that, Blathers? o__o;

I miss his old blathering about things I'd donated but I'm grateful that it's archived somewhere else in the museum.

Because baby owls are fed insects, hes probably remembering his mother feeding him.
I think I would be traumatized by bugs as well if my mother tried to feed me mashed centipedes and other things she just regurgitated from her mouth
i will say that i liked the informational content that blathers used to provide - and i think the encyclopedia and museum plaques do a great job of supplying that info. it lacks the blathers charm, but i prefer to read it on my own time - having him go through the whole thing made donating a hassle, especially if i just wanted to be in and out. the change is FINE by me :)
I would much rather have the ability to hand in multiple things at once vs. hearing him talk about stuff. You can get that info off the stands in the exhibits.
I really don't enjoy donating as much as I used to. =< Now I just want to get it done so i don't have to go up there anymore, but before I enjoyed going and having a funny story from Blathers.

There should have been an option in the beginning when you first meet him, where he says something like:

"This reminds me of a time when I was still in baby feathers...Hoop! My sincere apologies! I've been told I can go on anecdotal adventures that take a wee bit too long, hootie hoo. Would you like me to keep things short for you?"

And your options would be:

"Keep it short!"
"Please, go on!"

Then people who didn't want all that text to read through would get the short version and people who enjoyed his stories would get the long versions!
I actually feel like I really miss Blathers now that he doesn't talk much. I just pretend he's becoming more professional so I don't feel as bad :D
I mean, I skipped through a lot of what he said half the time, but I found him funny
I think I would be traumatized by bugs as well if my mother tried to feed me mashed centipedes and other things she just regurgitated from her mouth

Blathers is afraid of bugs because he had a Mantis egg sac explode in his desk once. He mentioned it in the other games.
I'd rather he give a cute lil quirk, or just a pun about whatever you donate, and then all the facts go on the info plaques. But w/e.
I wish he had more random dialogues? Like the "episodes" from City Folk. To make up for the lack of usual talk. It would be skippable so people who aren't interested would also be able to don't go through that.
Does anyone else feel there should of been an option to just talk to blathers? All you get is donating and assessing
Does anyone else feel there should of been an option to just talk to blathers? All you get is donating and assessing

That was always the only options you had, if my memory is correct, at least in the first two, i never played cityfolk