• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Things that they should have in AC3DS

Stackables, no. It was mentioned in the early parts of this thread. It would outright kill the way you play.
If you could have (n) amount of one item stacked in your pockets, what is stopping that from being exploited? Say you invite someone over to your town. They have an entire maxed out pocket full of pitfalls. This wouldn't be such a big problem if things stayed as they are, without stacking. But with it, you could expect to have your entire town ruined.

Also, stacking could also be exploited through cheating methods. So no, bad idea.

Not so keen on the tool bag idea anymore either, it would be nice but I've always just kept my tools in mail slots if I didn't have enough room.
I really hope you can collect pictures from neighbours again. I liked that. I would also love the grass not to disappear so fast by just walking over it (it should be as the DS version, not as the Wii version).
Did anyone ever get a prefect town with no grass?

Back on topic.
Ideas below

1. Clothing Storage options
Places for just outfits and accessories!
Nothing else can be stored in them.
2. Phineas's Item Shop
A place for phineas (balloon guy) to sell his items.
I heard somewhere that Nook isn't going to be there anymore, so maybe his little nephews are going to take over? I also heard somewhere that there's going to be new background music ^^~

A little while back ago, when I first heard the game was going to be made, I sent an email to Nintendo giving a few suggestions to what there should be in the game.

I thought there should be more things that you can do that related to the movie, so I suggested being able to explore caves around the edge of town.
I also suggested festivals or something like that xD

There were a lot more things that I suggested, but I can't remember them all.....those are the two I remember....
But Nintendo replied back to me saying that they put my things on file 8D! That made me happy ouo~
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And now we see caves! that's just epic!.

1. Clothing Storage options Places for just outfits and accessories!
Nothing else can be stored in them.

2. Phineas's Item Shop
A place for phineas (balloon guy) to sell his items

Me like!.

another musician - Why? K.K. is awesome!
Ahh i agree, i change my mind. I like K.K. too much. One is enough XD

Diary or Note book - Hmmmm, more detail please. What's is it's use?
Well in the first Animal Crossing there were Diaries and note books you could write down anything in them and read what you wrote in the past days and months.

Readable Books - Depends on what you mean.
It would be kinda like a letter, it would appear on the bottom screen and you could scroll through pages, and you could buy them from stores or get them form a library

Pools - I like, more detail please.
You know like how you can buy those pools for your house? well it would be cool if you could place them outdoors and you could swim in them, similar to swimming in the ocean and they'd have bigger pools too
Waterbed. Just one item I think would be neat to have. Works like any other bed, but the sounds would be different and you'd move up and down a little when you got onto it. I like the wardrobe idea though. It always felt really funny to keep all of my clothes inside of my fridge, or having fish and tools inside of a dresser.

But I would like to further your idea a little MD. This wardrobe or what have, specifically for clothing. I would like to see a menu put into that where you can preview your outfit. With the new clothing options, a way to preview outfits and save them would be very nice without having to take them out and put them on.

check them triples.
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Waterbed - Yes! Love this idea!

Preview/save outfits idea - Yes!
I really like this expansion to my idea alot!

Notebook/Dairy - I like it!

Readable books - Ummmm still not sure if I'd want this idea.

Outdoor Pools - I like it now that I know more about it.

Another Musician - Discussion of this was ended by original idea poster aka Kip.

Phineas Shop - Yay glad someone liked this idea!
If i were to make another Animal Crossing 3DS Ideas video it would probably be over an hour, full of ideas from this thread.
I think it would be a good idea to customize your face while looking at a vanity. Like, changing your eye color/shape, skin color, nose shape, mouth shape, make up, etc.
I would also like it if there would be some new furniture (sets) and clothing.
I hope they add Mining to the game, maybe you could find more valuable gems during months that don't have many good fish/bugs. Also it could be another way to find fossils.
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I hope they add Mining to the game, maybe you could find more valuable gems during months that don't have many good fish/bugs. Also it could be a another way to find fossils.

If they added mining, I LOVE the idea of it being used to uncover fossils.
for now, I think the only thing I would really like is voice chat, like the wii speak in city folk. I usually use a USB keyboard in City Folk but the keyboard on the DS would be kind of a pain... so I do hope they add some kind of voice chat. the rest can be a surprise! :)
I went to my EB Games and was told Nintendo pushed AC3DS back to August!
Also I get a free year of GameInformer now!
So I'll be watching the release page to see if they mention AC3DS in August issue!

Back on topic

1. Villages houses - I think villagers should have different types of houses!
So far I've only seen 1 house type in every AC for villagers.

2. Bigger Tailor Shop - Would allow for more design displays and more things to be sold at the same time.
1. Villages houses - I think villagers should have different types of houses!
So far I've only seen 1 house type in every AC for villagers.

I love the idea of seeing different types of houses in AC. Variety is the spice of life, am I right? It would be neat if villagers could "upgrade" their houses the longer they live in your village; it would never be as magnificent as yours but it would be more roomy.
1. Villages houses - I think villagers should have different types of houses!
So far I've only seen 1 house type in every AC for villagers.

2. Bigger Tailor Shop - Would allow for more design displays and more things to be sold at the same time.

These ideas are amazing, I'd love they were added. Also what do you mean by more types of houses? there are at least 3 - 4 different types in ACCF, im not sure if that's what you mean though.

I love the idea of seeing different types of houses in AC. Variety is the spice of life, am I right? It would be neat if villagers could "upgrade" their houses the longer they live in your village; it would never be as magnificent as yours but it would be more roomy.

That would be super epicly epic!. XD
I went to my EB Games and was told Nintendo pushed AC3DS back to August.

What they meant to say was, "We were wrong about guessing, we're pushing it back further now."
It'd be on Nintendo's website if they actually did move a date.

Also, villagers do live in different types of houses already. The outsides vary between I think six different styles. But more variety would be nice too, maybe have the outside match the inside in a way.
Hopefully with the new role as a mayor we would be able to choose where to put the villager's houses, maybe? it kind of drove me nuts that all the villager houses were scattered so randomly.
Yeah, what I meant was the shapes of houses and theme style be different.
Like with Kabuki (japanese samurai cat guy), he could like in a japanese styled temple!
I do like what kaiaa added to the idea.
I like Memory Anemone's house placement idea too.

More ideas

1. Sub-Basement - Make the normal basement a graded room than add a sub-basement for a not graded + random room.

2. In ground pool - Expanding on Kips earlier outdoor pool idea.

What's written Below is Off topic abit but kinda not since it's about the game we are making ideas up for.

@Professor Gallows: Ummm yeah You missed read that.
EB Games didn't tell me it was pushed back, the paper I got did.
Gamestop is the one that keeps pushing the date back since they run both store's websites!

@All:I am getting a GameInformer magazine now from this month until this month next year so I'll check it for Release Announcements.