Yeah, what I meant was the shapes of houses and theme style be different.
Like with Kabuki (japanese samurai cat guy), he could like in a japanese styled temple!
I do like what kaiaa added to the idea.
I like Memory Anemone's house placement idea too.
More ideas
1. Sub-Basement - Make the normal basement a graded room than add a sub-basement for a not graded + random room.
2. In ground pool - Expanding on Kips earlier outdoor pool idea.
What's written Below is Off topic abit but kinda not since it's about the game we are making ideas up for.
@Professor Gallows: Ummm yeah You missed read that.
EB Games didn't tell me it was pushed back, the paper I got did.
Gamestop is the one that keeps pushing the date back since they run both store's websites!
YES! i love em!
-Bird noises in the morning
-Tree houses (probably already said)
-More secret little areas around the place
-The option to change the design grid between 32-64 Pixles
-Peel fruit (hah)
-Choose where K.K. plays / move the stage