“Assorted” Collector
Fighting. It's bad for forum discussions. I remember my US/UK discussion got ruined by fighting.
When okaimii doesn't talk to me.
situations when there is no "next episode" button ;-;
When my winged eyeliner looks uneven, like one wing is bigger or longer than the other.
I also hate gel eyeliner, it dries up too fast or it f ucks up my brush(it just becomes hard)
I hate when people eat my food from the refrigerator or when my family orders large proportions of food and I'm not included for some reason or no one tells me, like "hey emerald we got pizza, you want some?"
I hate when my aunt(adoptive mom) tries to be funny by being rude or when my cousin is all flip-floppity
This list can go on forever and nearly everyone is about why I hate my family