オタク の プリ
can i buy a hammock? im not sure how much u want it for
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yea sure
Okay, after this gyroid trade, I'll head over to your town. :3
can i buy a hammock? im not sure how much u want it for
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yea sure
add me on friend code
gate is open
Oh, may I catalogue the cabin set for 99k? c: Will go higher if required c:
I have a maid dress c:
I'm interested in your mega oombloid, tall quazoid, and mini squelchoid 30k altogether?
I have lots of items from your wishlist, could I trade these things for some fan art? How many items would you like for a piece of art? I'll PM you what I can get from your list.
Name your price. It's not complete. I'm mainly wanting to get rid of it as its been on the ground in my town for a month.
Hm I wouldn't know what price. 100k? Or is that too low? D: I'm not too good at this hahaha.
so how much for the baloon dog lamp?
10k for a cornucopia? c^:
Okay! I will add you right now. My FC is under my picture. Tell me when you're ready so I can open my gates. ^^100k is totally fine. SOLD! Let me know when you're available~
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10k? OBO
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Sure! :3
Can I buy an air conditioner, ceramic hot pot, and cushion from you? I'm not sure how much you want though/name your price?
Edit: I have some items from your wishlist as well, I'll list them out for you, if you would like to trade instead of bells. And I can order all of them for you as well - batter's helmet, caladium, modern wood: bed, chair, chest, sofa, stool., ranch couch, red pom pom hat, sandbag, and wooden stool.