Turkey Day and Toy Day Update coming November 19th.


Lost in Panem
Mar 25, 2020
Paradise Planning Easter Egg
Green Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Oarfish Head
Harvest Festival is now called Turkey Day. Update arrives on November 19th.

Franklin is back, pumpkins are useful again. Post what you saw here.

So far we have Turkey Day. New furniture from that.
6 new hairstyles.
9 new reactions.
Toy Day
You can visit random dream addresses
Storage expansion to 2400.

A catalog feature built into Nooklink ~
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Amazing update but i no new veggies added? Feel like nothint unique was shown for harvest festival. Same with new christmas furniture?
Amazing update but i no new veggies added? Feel like nothint unique was shown for harvest festival. Same with new christmas furniture?
They honestly just acknowledged there are two holiday events. They probably didn't want to go into detail with those. These look like event copies from New Leaf honestly. Except we can harvest pumpkins.
This will sound bad, and it's an opinion, but this update is "Eh." Unless there are hidden QoL updates, there isn't much here.

9 new reactions
6 new hairstyles
800 more storage spots
Franklin and Jingle

It's awesome that Nintendo is adding things, but I think some simple QoL updates would go further in improving the experience.
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I am wondering if we can time travel to Harvest Festival and Toy Day. I think since they are single day events we can, that is how it was been with every other one day event.
I expected much more about this update, I won't lie. However, I think it's an incredibly good sign that they listened to POC and added diverse hairstyles, that's a very kind move from Nintendo. On top of that, these must be the best reactions we've gotten! Just sad about no Brewsters and no apparent new furniture :(
The new hairstyles, reactions and storage update were probably the best thing about this trailer. As much as I don’t need extra storage for my already bad hoarding situation 😅 the new reactions I can’t wait for
I think I'm more excited about the new reactions, hairstyle, and storage upgrade than I am about the events. All looks great! :D

Agreed ! I have to say, firstly i am super excited that we are getting more content and specially thankful for the things u just said, however, I am a bit kinda sad as i was hoping to get like and introduction to new gameplay so to say, what i mean is, I was looking forward for gameplay which would not only be specific for a season or festival but like year long daily gameplay wise.

I am looking forward for the screenshots and vid threat for all the new videoclips that will appear after the update with so many cool reactions now, thats going to be fun and cute !

Also did anyone notice if the some kind looked better ? like it didn't look like a straight line but like wobbly making it more real, also! in the minute 0:34 in the plaza do you see like a little mountain of snow piled up near the face ? that is new right ? I am just wondering if they have improved the aesthetics of snow

PS: Also have you seen how we had to give different pumpkins to prepare a dish, do you think that maybe we will have to recollect materials in form of a couple of different vegetable from our villagers similar like in halloween, which we could potentially later on harvest ? could that have been like a hint ? or am I overthinking? hahah