• And we're back! Mushroom Season continues on The Bell Tree with an all-new mysterious set of Foraged Mushrooms. Good luck foraging and identifying!

Turnips in Progress @ 616 bells!—SEE MY FINAL POST!

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idk how my wifi could be bad my router is like, right here.. but I'm not totally surprised.
but one-on-one sounds fine with me if you're still up to letting me in.
Routers can be incompatible with one another. It doesn't mean that your connection is bad or that you're not on top of your router, it just means that somewhere in the settings, something clashes and that causes you to error.

It was likely some incompatibility with one of the other visitors rather than Candy83, seeing as you could go in but once other people were there the errors started occurring, at least from what I could gather.
Routers can be incompatible with one another. It doesn't mean that your connection is bad or that you're not on top of your router, it just means that somewhere in the settings, something clashes and that causes you to error.

It was likely some incompatibility with one of the other visitors rather than Candy83, seeing as you could go in but once other people were there the errors started occurring, at least from what I could gather.

This totally makes sense. Thank you, I had no idea!
meep, sorry if I sounded defensive guys. totally was not my intent.
I'll happily wait till the groups are done.

I'll keep up the lurking. c:

Hey, I'm okay. Nintendo's Wi-Fi is flawed. (That's been pointed out to me…months ago. I'm no tech person.) I just know that, when there is that problem with a person's 3DS game console, it's better to host a person separately.

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I'm doing frequent saves.

Selling 16[00[ turnips nets 985,600 bells each trip. So, I want to make sure visitors get their bells' worth. (I know…it can be too often.)

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UPDATE 07.06.2014 @ 06:20 p.m. ET:

From post #54 to post #71, I have recorded 12 individual forum members requesting to come to Progress to sell turnips @ 616 bells each.

Those whose Mii image came in on my 3DS game console are as follows:

01 [#54]. isa
02 [#55]. Mayor Em
03 [#56]. itzartemis
04 [#57]. mt.moon
06 [#59]. UltimateGamers03
09 [#62]. marshymallow
12 [#71]. captain_katie

Those whose Mii image have not yet come in on my 3DS game console are:

05 [#58]. sharlzkidarlz
07 [#60]. RemainingEcho
08 [#61]. khampton38
10 [#63]. SincerelyDream
11 [#70]. Squeaks​

I think I've had four complete visitations (which will include those listed above with their Miis having come in to my game console). marshymallow completed his/her selling of bells. If anyone from that list [in bold], in addition to Mayor Em, needs to come...please say so. (I think it's just isa. Not entirely certain.)
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Can I please stop by? I have an entire locker full on my mule account and they spoil tomorrow! I'll tip very well.
FC is: 4742-6426-1614- Sydney/ Hyrule
Response to visitors: Anyone leaving tips, which is appreciated by me, should just find an available spot that's easy to notice.

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Can I please stop by? I have an entire locker full on my mule account and they spoil tomorrow! I'll tip very well.
FC is: 4742-6426-1614- Sydney/ Hyrule

Unless you're already on my 3DS game console, I'm going to have to register your Friend Code after my town is clear of visitors.

Last call tonight will be 09:00 p.m. ET.

(I'm also going to do my best to get Mayor Em back into town. Solely.)
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I still need to come but everytime I check, your town is always full D:

Your Mii came in. So you should be able to see my gate. (If you're in town already, sorry; it's a little tricky to keep track of visitors.)
Response to visitors: Anyone leaving tips, which is appreciated by me, should just find an available spot that's easy to notice.

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Unless you're already on my 3DS game console, I'm going to have to register your Friend Code after my town is clear of visitors.

Last call tonight will be 09:00 p.m. ET.

(I'm also going to do my best to get Mayor Em back into town. Solely.)

you don't know how much I appreciate that.
Another Error!

Candy83, you didn't add my FC that's why my mii isn't showing up. :eek:

I added it. But, you didn't come in.

I'm going to check for Register Friend again. (It will likely come in.) [Note: Oriana just came in.]

Squeaks: Make sure you are using Progress. (Listed in signature.) You don't want any of my two other towns. (People will commonly enter Applewin, which is to the left side and is the first town listed below.)

Friend Code: 2809–9322–1107

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UPDATE 07.06.2014 @ 07:46 p.m. ET: Taking about a five-minute break.

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oh my, i had one more small batch of turnips haha

If you don't mind...come back anyway.

(I don't give up easily. :) )
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I got the wrong code, that's why! Omg. Sorry, I'm really tired and fuzzybrained. ._.
If you don't mind...come back anyway.

(I don't give up easily. :) )

how sweet. i sure will come back if it isn't inconvenient for you :)
this also gives me some time to get more starts!
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Note: If I have to extend the time, I will. I want to get everyone in. (All of this...within reason.)

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Can I please stop by? I have an entire locker full on my mule account and they spoil tomorrow! I'll tip very well.
FC is: 4742-6426-1614- Sydney/ Hyrule

I forgot to add you a minute or so ago.

I will do that once the next group comes and goes.

And I intend to host you to sell those turnips.
Currently in town (@ 07:58 p.m. ET):

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