Underrated villagers?

CUBE, CUBE AND CUBE. He's a fat little penguin and his eyes are cute little x's and uuuuuuugggguuuuuu :blush: also he's the best personality
I feel like the Penguins are underrated.
Cube and Boomer are some of my favorites!
I'm not saying it because she's my favourite villager, but Peanut is DEFINETLY underrated. How is SHE tier 4? She is the cutest villager ever :)! Chevre, Midge, Nan, Pinky, Aurora, Margie, Bluebear and Apple are also really cute, but are in the bottom two tiers.
Melba is soooo cute, but I asked my friends and nobody thinks so :c She's probably the cutest koala, and I love her soooooo much
Clay... he's the cutest hamster. ;__; sure that's opinion but. cutest hamster. he needs more love. I'm legit surprised he's not popular.
It may also be objected that my opening remark about the appealing character of Pyrrhonism is wrong or surprising, given that it is not possible for anyone to think that the stance I have presented is attractive and worth adopting. For instance, not only does the Skeptic not promise that the suspensive attitude will certainly make possible the attainment of ataraxia, but he does not even regard this as an aim that is intrinsic to his philosophy. To this objection, I would first reply that the appeal of Skepticism seems to lie in the sort of radical changes that this philosophy may entail in a person’s life. For, if adopted, the cautious Pyrrhonean attitude will prevent one from making rash judgments about any topic that one has not examined or found final answers to, which in turn will prevent one from acting hastily. Another profound change consists in the fact that, even if at some point the Skeptic broke some of the most important moral rules of the society to which he belongs, he would perhaps experience some kind of discomfort, but he would not believe that he has done something objectively wrong. This would free him from the shame and remorse that those who believe that such an action is morally incorrect would experience in the same situation. In sum, the Pyrrhonean philosophy would produce, if adopted, profound changes in a person’s thoughts, feelings, and actions; changes that at first glance seem to be beneficial. But secondly, I think that whether or not Pyrrhonism is an appealing philosophy cannot in the end be determined a priori. For it depends on whether one values such attitudes as caution, open-mindedness, and intellectual modesty; or, if one does, on whether these attitudes are preferred to, for example, the sense of assurance that one may experience when espousing philosophic systems or religious beliefs. This is why my opening comment was just that Pyrrhonism may still be found attractive and worth adopting.
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Static. Maybe I'm biased because he was one of the first villagers I ever had, but he's SO CUTE.
1. Cobb
This dude looks so cool! Like... Those eyes are awesome...

2. Walker
This is Mickey Mouse turned into a dog. 'Nuff said.
i agree with you on pudge! i have him and hes so cute, makes me feel like i needa watch over this lil baby. i also agree on midge, and to go along with the birds i think twiggy deserves more love. and then all dog villagers dont get much love which is sad, they are all so cute :(

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adding on to my dog comment, benjamin especially doesnt get enough love.
Cube, Jeremiah, Beardo, Henry, Dotty and Aurora are all underrated in my opinion. :(
Pretty much all of the penguins are underrated though. Boomer is a cutie too!
Pango and apple. I thought olaf looked cool until I realized what he would look like in a different shirt :eek:

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And opal
Eunice! Baabara as well, although I've never personally had her. They're both cute sheeps.
I definitely think some of the sheep villagers are underrated. Esp. Wendy and Frita <3

Like Wendy is just so cute and pretty and her 'lil buck teeth make her even cuter. And Frita is just amazing. Her body looks like fries and her head looks like a hamburger. Plus she talks about potatoes and if you pair her with another uchi the conversations are hilariously entertaining.
moe is so cute honestly i hate when people say he is ugly he is just the best lazy!! also bill + butch are also pretty underrated i think
Pecan!!! She's the perfect little squirrel! She's actually the best looking squirrel in the whole game. Shes beautiful and it makes me sad that I dont see a lot of love for her!