Unpopular Opinions

Right? Some of the gyroid sounds complimented the KK music I had in rooms really well. That's why I am hoping they come back. I had stale cupcakes playing in my ice room with some silent chime gyroids and it just finished off the final touches.
I had two mega oombloids perfectly synced to KK Condor by accident back in CF. I absolutely loved having that setup! As for NH, I really want gyroids to return because I have some areas where they’d work wonderfully.
This one is probably pretty unpopular, but while I do think the dialogue is boring and repetitive, and it should be fixed. However, I don't think that they should make the dialogue mean again where your villagers pretty much insult and bully you for everything you do. I play this game as an escape, as most people do, and the last thing I want is dealing with rudeness in a game.
This one is probably pretty unpopular, but while I do think the dialogue is boring and repetitive, and it should be fixed. However, I don't think that they should make the dialogue mean again where your villagers pretty much insult and bully you for everything you do. I play this game as an escape, as most people do, and the last thing I want is dealing with rudeness in a game.
I know! Like why do people want others to be rude to them???

I already have to deal with that irl...
i was disappointed to discover that villagers cant actually use instruments in their intended form after all these years. it would be a small detail but i want to gift Hazel an electric guitar and actually see her using it darn it. same goes for the sax, drums, cello, etc.. this can also be said for lots of what seem like interactive items. its definitely the most interactive villagers have ever been but i think theres still room to push it further
i was disappointed to discover that villagers cant actually use instruments in their intended form after all these years. it would be a small detail but i want to gift Hazel an electric guitar and actually see her using it darn it. same goes for the sax, drums, cello, etc.. this can also be said for lots of what seem like interactive items. its definitely the most interactive villagers have ever been but i think theres still room to push it further
Yes I really wish there were more interactive items like the pool and jungle gym. Like you buy those items with NM and you can’t even use them. Where’s the fun in that?
Might be a long post but...

I honestly find some of the acnh fan base to be some of the most ‘toxic’ people to be around. This is more on twitter than anything else.

A lot of people there take things way too far and act like any tiny little thing is an injustice to them.

I think one of the things that stuck with me the whole star fragment tree drama. Where they were defending the hacked items that were in their games, even though they were breaking the tos that Nintendo has. Sure they didn’t harm anyone but they weren’t supposed to be in the game.

Then people judging other people’s islands and people complaining about the game not being what they wanted on every new update that comes out.

It’s just sad to see this. Especially when it’s supposed to be a wholesome game. Just glad not everyone in the acnh fan base are like this.
i was disappointed to discover that villagers cant actually use instruments in their intended form after all these years. it would be a small detail but i want to gift Hazel an electric guitar and actually see her using it darn it. same goes for the sax, drums, cello, etc.. this can also be said for lots of what seem like interactive items. its definitely the most interactive villagers have ever been but i think theres still room to push it further

I mean they don't pick them up but they do 'try' to play along to music that's playing if that helps? I guess they would also do that in their house... Here's an example, make sure to skip to like 12:50 if my timestamp didn't work because this dude isn't that interesting

Right? Some of the gyroid sounds complimented the KK music I had in rooms really well. That's why I am hoping they come back. I had stale cupcakes playing in my ice room with some silent chime gyroids and it just finished off the final touches.

I am definitely one of the people that would prefer not to see them after every rainy day, but you raise a good point! Like the video above we can actually play along to music ourselves (though the timings are pretty difficult to hit), and maybe having a few gyroids as a backing choir could be fun 🤔
I know! Like why do people want others to be rude to them???

I already have to deal with that irl...
I used to miss the rudeness in the old games, but when I replayed them recently, I didn't find it as charming.

Edit- the gamecube game in particular. The villagers even appear to yell at you, which is a bit triggering for me.
I hope I never get a blue rose...

I already spend 6 months on getting a blue rose, and today found out i have to start over again.
But I kinda like that? Hahaha

I like spending time and effort on this, because it keeps me coming back, and keeps me thinking of creative solutions and layouts. I just like the journey a lot and I hope it doesn't end anytime soon 😅
Another unpopular opinion I have is with villager bullying. Like, why do have to make their lives so bad? I get that it's a way to get them to move, but they can do that on their own. People should acknowledge the villagers they have and love them, because even the ugliest villager, Rodney, somebody might love to have him.
.... Sorry if that last part was too deep, I forgot my coffee this morning.
I hope I never get a blue rose...

I already spend 6 months on getting a blue rose, and today found out i have to start over again.
But I kinda like that? Hahaha

I like spending time and effort on this, because it keeps me coming back, and keeps me thinking of creative solutions and layouts. I just like the journey a lot and I hope it doesn't end anytime soon 😅
I wish I had this kind of mindset, I have almost no patience when it comes to hybrids 😅 I think I spent like 2 months trying to get purple windflowers for a recipe and in the end I gave up and got one from my friend. I didn't find watering them daily for nothing to be particularly fun.

So I guess my unpopular opinion is I don't care for farming hybrids lol. Pretty much all the ones I have appeared randomly.
This one is probably pretty unpopular, but while I do think the dialogue is boring and repetitive, and it should be fixed. However, I don't think that they should make the dialogue mean again where your villagers pretty much insult and bully you for everything you do. I play this game as an escape, as most people do, and the last thing I want is dealing with rudeness in a game.
I never played the previous games, but I saw a gif of Dotty telling the person that she wishes their house burns down and that they go to jail 😂
What kind of game was THAT? lmao

I don't want rudeness per se, but I also want drama, gossip, etc.
I mean, the crankies don't act cranky they're just mellow old men at this point :cautious:
tldr; 500 hours in, New Horizons is soulless, and the more i play it the more disappointed I get.

Biggest complaint:
Interacting with villagers consistently gives me nothing. For a game where the villagers are the main point, it’s unacceptable.

The dialogue is awful. I am best friends with most of my villagers, and their initial greeting is very sweet. However, ALL of them say something akin to “why are you still here?” after the first talk. They still take 3-5 repetitions of this before I get a chance at having one of them say something I didn’t hear yesterday, or the rare chance of them asking me to do something. Dialogue is the easiest feature to add and they hardly did anything with it.

They don’t visit your house anymore. Nintendo had SO much potential to expand upon this (HH Designer, anyone?) and they didn’t bother to take it.

Why not give us a menu option to ask to help? Why not an option to invite them for a treasure hunt, hide and seek, home visit, tea party, anything like that? Why is the only option to talk to them, when they put SO little effort into the dialogue? Cool that i can build a waterfall, but i can’t have a decent conversation with my BFF?

Aside from the villagers, the way you obtain items in the game also just sucks. We have a customization system, why do i have to show up every day to tom nook’s for an entire year to MAYBE have a chance at seeing a different color of imperial furniture (or any other similar styles)? Why can’t you get the type of furniture item and then customize it to be the other colors? Does paint not exist? We get a fraction of the furniture customizable and the rest we have to pray we get it at some point or we’re forced to try to trade someone else for it. There’s a reason most show-worthy islands are hacked.

A complaint from my partner that I agree with: The crafting system is a big chore for the first part of the game. As annoying as it is to be forced to stop progression through buildings (understandable still), you’re also forced to make no progress because resources on your own island are limited, and a pain to get. They give us no way to order materials, we have to visit nook mile islands to get more materials (spendy when you’re first starting out) so again it’s like they’re forcing you to show up every day. Not because you want to, but because you won’t get to any of the decent features of the game if you don’t. It’s not enough to just keep fishing or catching bugs for bells, you won’t continue to get more requests from your villagers, you can’t sleep to end the day like any other game with crafting would have, it’s overall a bad system.

I used to play every day, up until a month ago. Even though they come out with new events, there was hardly any point for me to load it up every day. Hundreds of days with my villagers saying the same exact thing as they said yesterday, little to do to enjoy any of the enormous amount of work I put into the island (and still an enormous amount of work to put in), it all felt pointless.
This one is probably pretty unpopular, but while I do think the dialogue is boring and repetitive, and it should be fixed. However, I don't think that they should make the dialogue mean again where your villagers pretty much insult and bully you for everything you do. I play this game as an escape, as most people do, and the last thing I want is dealing with rudeness in a game.
I agree. I'm so sensitive, that I get hurt when my villager gets annoyed at me for talking to them more than once. Lol
For a paid-upfront game NH reminds me a little too much of mobile games. The idea that you can play it and do most things but you miss out on a ton of furniture colours, fruit and features if you don't pay even more on the regular. The old games never had this requirement and weren't so dependent on multiplayer either. NSO does not cost a lot but the idea of what they're doing is just icky. If they don't at least make an alternative option to obtain other variations I'm not going to be so fond of Nintendo as I once was. I get they need money but I don't think they need it this desperately to lock so much actual furniture away from paying players...

Also I heard this game doesn't use servers so I'm not sure what exactly they need online payment for? If someone knows feel free to let me know.
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tldr; 500 hours in, New Horizons is soulless, and the more i play it the more disappointed I get.

Biggest complaint:
Interacting with villagers consistently gives me nothing. For a game where the villagers are the main point, it’s unacceptable.

The dialogue is awful. I am best friends with most of my villagers, and their initial greeting is very sweet. However, ALL of them say something akin to “why are you still here?” after the first talk. They still take 3-5 repetitions of this before I get a chance at having one of them say something I didn’t hear yesterday, or the rare chance of them asking me to do something. Dialogue is the easiest feature to add and they hardly did anything with it.

They don’t visit your house anymore. Nintendo had SO much potential to expand upon this (HH Designer, anyone?) and they didn’t bother to take it.

Why not give us a menu option to ask to help? Why not an option to invite them for a treasure hunt, hide and seek, home visit, tea party, anything like that? Why is the only option to talk to them, when they put SO little effort into the dialogue? Cool that i can build a waterfall, but i can’t have a decent conversation with my BFF?

Aside from the villagers, the way you obtain items in the game also just sucks. We have a customization system, why do i have to show up every day to tom nook’s for an entire year to MAYBE have a chance at seeing a different color of imperial furniture (or any other similar styles)? Why can’t you get the type of furniture item and then customize it to be the other colors? Does paint not exist? We get a fraction of the furniture customizable and the rest we have to pray we get it at some point or we’re forced to try to trade someone else for it. There’s a reason most show-worthy islands are hacked.

A complaint from my partner that I agree with: The crafting system is a big chore for the first part of the game. As annoying as it is to be forced to stop progression through buildings (understandable still), you’re also forced to make no progress because resources on your own island are limited, and a pain to get. They give us no way to order materials, we have to visit nook mile islands to get more materials (spendy when you’re first starting out) so again it’s like they’re forcing you to show up every day. Not because you want to, but because you won’t get to any of the decent features of the game if you don’t. It’s not enough to just keep fishing or catching bugs for bells, you won’t continue to get more requests from your villagers, you can’t sleep to end the day like any other game with crafting would have, it’s overall a bad system.

I used to play every day, up until a month ago. Even though they come out with new events, there was hardly any point for me to load it up every day. Hundreds of days with my villagers saying the same exact thing as they said yesterday, little to do to enjoy any of the enormous amount of work I put into the island (and still an enormous amount of work to put in), it all felt pointless.
YES. THANK YOU. If you came from new leaf and grew up playing it after school like I did, then you would know how just meh the game is. I have over 1,000 hours in New leaf and I still play it daily. New horizons I have 600 hours and it's not the same. The whole game just feels bland and repetitive. I'm not saying NH sucks, but I think we can all agree that nl is better.
I can't muster the enthusiasm to even load the game.

I shut it down when I think of what awaits me.
How ugly it is, and a boring chore.

I loathe my island.
I loathe crafting.

I loathe New Horizons at the moment, and am trying to muster the strength to not delete my game.

My wife hid the switch this morning because she's worried I'll delete it.

Terraforming is horrid and coupled with crafting and nintendo's incessant greed with forced internet, I barely recognize this as Animal Crossing.

I'm not a social person.
It's one reason I liked AC fifteen years ago.
Now I am forced to use my phone as a router to trade for items.
I'm forced to interact with people, and I don't want to. :(

I already have an ISP, yet I'm paying nintendo for the priviledge of using my own data....

I hate that they've made me hate AC.