Unpopular Opinions

I'm not a social person.
It's one reason I liked AC fifteen years ago.
Now I am forced to use my phone as a router to trade for items.
I'm forced to interact with people, and I don't want to. :(

I already have an ISP, yet I'm paying nintendo for the priviledge of using my own data....

I hate that they've made me hate AC.
It makes me sad that not many people bring this stuff up, it makes me less hopeful that Nintendo will do anything to provide more options. I'm also not very social and I get enough social interaction from real life lol. I liked AC because I could enjoy it all on my own. I'm sure many people feel the same...
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I wish they were smaller. They're almost the same size as us. It's the same in GC with how ginormous they are, but they're a little smaller in ACWW and ACNL and I liked them more aesthetically that way.

Also, I miss wilting flowers tbh. It would've worked so well in NH if just the petals wilted and disappeared, instead of the entire flower. I never use my watering can anymore.
It makes me sad that not many people bring up this stuff up, it makes me less hopeful that Nintendo will do anything to provide more options. I'm also not very social and I get enough social interaction from real life lol. I liked AC because I could enjoy it all on my own. I'm sure many people feel the same...

I have an online subscription now, but I didn’t for a few months and I felt kinda angry because I couldn’t get all the fruit (mom sent me the same as my sister fruit), and I couldn’t get any of the furniture colors I wanted. I also couldn’t even get all the flower seeds until Leif was introduced. You can’t complete the game without interacting with people and it shouldn’t be like that. There should be an option to get all the fruit and furniture variations without paying for online.
the game was more or less released unfinished. love the game, but I keep finding myself waiting for the next update to get into it again
I’ve been reading this forum for ages, but I finally made an account so I could share my own unpopular opinion.

I think New Horizons is the best Animal Crossing yet! And I’ve played all of them. When I was a kid, I loved Wild World, and my sister and I would also play the GameCube version together. New Leaf is my least favorite AC by far. I think I was in my senior year of high school when New Leaf came out. I remember being excited for it, and then super disappointed as soon as I started playing. I really didn’t like the music. I thought the new furniture sets were ugly. The villager dialogue was terrible! I played it for a while but I never got into it.

I like New Horizons so much better. The dialogue isn’t as good as it was in the GameCube and DS versions, but it’s SO SO much better than it was in New Leaf! I love the music in New Horizons. I think it has a lot of variety and fun, whereas the music in New Leaf all seemed to have the same mellow, sad, sleepy tone (although the sound track from Wild World is still my favorite, I think). The furniture is amazing. I always hated my house in New Leaf, and even the games before it, because the furniture was kinda ugly and I could never get my house looking nice. But in New Horizons, there is so much variety! I really love my house now. I don’t mind not having “complete sets” because I never used complete sets anyway. I just mix and match different things that I like.

When the game came out and I first got it, my mind was kinda blown. So I came to this forum to see how excited everyone else was too. But right away there was a rant thread, with people saying pretty much the opposite of how I felt. I feel like the game is so alive and beautiful, but people kept calling it soulless and dead. I don’t understand the complaints about the lack of furniture. There’s so much of it! Me, my mom, my sister, and my best friend all play the game and all of our houses and islands look totally unique and different because there are so many decorating options and we all use them in different ways.

I don’t know. I just really like this AC. I can’t imagine what my 10 year old self, playing Wild World and GameCube, would have thought about this game!😂 It’s just kinda a bummer so be enjoying it so much and to see so many other people disliking it so much. I think a lot of people really liked New Leaf, and this game is different, so they’re disappointed about that. I’ve seen a lot of people saying things like they just want all the stuff from New Leaf back or what they really wanted was New Leaf with better graphics. But New Horizons is just a different game and does a lot of things differently than any of the ones before it, and I think that’s pretty cool. Nothing is “missing” from it. It’s just a new experience.

Phew... that was a lot! I just wanted to get that off my chest. I understand of course that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But my opinion is that New Horizons is pretty awesome and lively and fun, and out of all the AC games, it’s definitely my favorite :)
I’ve been reading this forum for ages, but I finally made an account so I could share my own unpopular opinion.

I think New Horizons is the best Animal Crossing yet! And I’ve played all of them. When I was a kid, I loved Wild World, and my sister and I would also play the GameCube version together. New Leaf is my least favorite AC by far. I think I was in my senior year of high school when New Leaf came out. I remember being excited for it, and then super disappointed as soon as I started playing. I really didn’t like the music. I thought the new furniture sets were ugly. The villager dialogue was terrible! I played it for a while but I never got into it.

I like New Horizons so much better. The dialogue isn’t as good as it was in the GameCube and DS versions, but it’s SO SO much better than it was in New Leaf! I love the music in New Horizons. I think it has a lot of variety and fun, whereas the music in New Leaf all seemed to have the same mellow, sad, sleepy tone (although the sound track from Wild World is still my favorite, I think). The furniture is amazing. I always hated my house in New Leaf, and even the games before it, because the furniture was kinda ugly and I could never get my house looking nice. But in New Horizons, there is so much variety! I really love my house now. I don’t mind not having “complete sets” because I never used complete sets anyway. I just mix and match different things that I like.

When the game came out and I first got it, my mind was kinda blown. So I came to this forum to see how excited everyone else was too. But right away there was a rant thread, with people saying pretty much the opposite of how I felt. I feel like the game is so alive and beautiful, but people kept calling it soulless and dead. I don’t understand the complaints about the lack of furniture. There’s so much of it! Me, my mom, my sister, and my best friend all play the game and all of our houses and islands look totally unique and different because there are so many decorating options and we all use them in different ways.

I don’t know. I just really like this AC. I can’t imagine what my 10 year old self, playing Wild World and GameCube, would have thought about this game!😂 It’s just kinda a bummer so be enjoying it so much and to see so many other people disliking it so much. I think a lot of people really liked New Leaf, and this game is different, so they’re disappointed about that. I’ve seen a lot of people saying things like they just want all the stuff from New Leaf back or what they really wanted was New Leaf with better graphics. But New Horizons is just a different game and does a lot of things differently than any of the ones before it, and I think that’s pretty cool. Nothing is “missing” from it. It’s just a new experience.

Phew... that was a lot! I just wanted to get that off my chest. I understand of course that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But my opinion is that New Horizons is pretty awesome and lively and fun, and out of all the AC games, it’s definitely my favorite :)

I agree with you on everything except that I did love New leaf music haha. It's nice to see someone who has played all the games prefer new horizons. Some people say things like the only people who prefer new horizons are people who haven't played older games and that's just not true at all. There has been so much improvement in new horizons from previous games that I think is overlooked because people are just upset they didn't get exactly what they wanted and have to wait for certain things they do want in updates. I also am glad you mentioned how ugly some of the old furniture was lol. I think that could be talked about more. I believe there would be some outrage if they included the exact same event furniture from older games instead of updating them (like the previous harvest set and pave set.. how bland and unoriginal could they get? I don't even want to play those events because the rewards are so..lacking)
But yeah I don't think I'll ever understand the furniture complaint. While there may be item sets missing, there's still tons of furniture in new horizons and ways to get creative with it! I have never had an issue and I have fully decorated 6 homes that are all unique from each other. :)
I already have an ISP, yet I'm paying nintendo for the priviledge of using my own data....

Hosting and maintaining servers isn't free though. The Nintendo multiplayer servers aren't just a hypothetical thing. They are physical machines that exist in dozens of locations throughout the Earth, each server alone costing maybe 10s or thousands of dollars, while the datacenters that house them up to 10x more.

You pay ISP to upload and download your data traffic between your house and Nintendo's data centers

You pay Nintendo for the privilege to use their servers, which they spend millions on to maintain, including the hundreds of thousands they pay their I.T. workers who do the maintaining.
I think cottagecore islands with indoor items placed outside look super dumb

Like I know it's meant to be cute. But to me, shoving bookcases and couches and tables in every square inch of your island makes it feel like I'm in an episode of hoarders LMAOOO
In my experience everything I have outside irl gets dusty and gross and discoloured over time, that's why I can't bring myself to put delicate indoor things outside in my game, lol.
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Hosting and maintaining servers isn't free though. The Nintendo multiplayer servers aren't just a hypothetical thing. They are physical machines that exist in dozens of locations throughout the Earth, each server alone costing maybe 10s or thousands of dollars, while the datacenters that house them up to 10x more.

You pay ISP to upload and download your data traffic between your house and Nintendo's data centers

You pay Nintendo for the privilege to use their servers, which they spend millions on to maintain, including the hundreds of thousands they pay their I.T. workers who do the maintaining.
Someone said on a thread once that this game doesn't utilise servers? So were they wrong? I honestly have no idea with this stuff haha

Edit: Actually I guess with the data backup they'd need servers, but for everything else I was under the impression it was a peer-to-peer thing or whatever they called it. Someone educate me lol.
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Hosting and maintaining servers isn't free though. The Nintendo multiplayer servers aren't just a hypothetical thing. They are physical machines that exist in dozens of locations throughout the Earth, each server alone costing maybe 10s or thousands of dollars, while the datacenters that house them up to 10x more.

You pay ISP to upload and download your data traffic between your house and Nintendo's data centers

You pay Nintendo for the privilege to use their servers, which they spend millions on to maintain, including the hundreds of thousands they pay their I.T. workers who do the maintaining.
I thought ACNH online was peer to peer?
Yeah, it appears to be that way, so I'd bet it is, but Nintendo Online covers more than just AC-multiplayer
I know, but you can't blame people for being upset that they provide servers for most other games with online functionality. If you don't play those other games, then the above quote about paying Nintendo to use your own internet is correct.
Yeah, it appears to be that way, so I'd bet it is, but Nintendo Online covers more than just AC-multiplayer
Well dang, that's kind of sad if you only use it for AC then 😅

Online payment or not, they shouldn't make the game so online dependent. I love NH so much but I can't get past how they've alienated a portion of their fanbase by making extensive trading a must. They might have done it to promote making friends or something buttttt I really think they did it because now online is paid and people are going to be desperate to subscribe to get furniture lol.

I love Nintendo but some things I can't look past...
Online payment or not, they shouldn't make the game so online dependent. I love NH so much but I can't get past how they've alienated a portion of their fanbase by making extensive trading a must. They might have done it to promote making friends or something buttttt I really think they did it because now online is paid and people are going to be desperate to subscribe to get furniture lol.

I agree. Even with a NO sub, it hurts to know that they've locked me away from getting other colors on my own. Hopefully at some point they add an update to just offer all colors as a late game thing.
I agree. Even with a NO sub, it hurts to know that they've locked me away from getting other colors on my own. Hopefully at some point they add an update to just offer all colors as a late game thing.
Maybe one day Cyrus can periodically visit our islands with his customisation services 😆
Isn't that what Redd/furniture in balloons does already, though?
Well, you'd have to be extremely lucky...

I mean from the start the only furniture set I really wanted was the brown antique set, and I had black in my store. I must have popped like, thousands of balloons since then and visited Redd tons of times and never got a single piece from the brown set. Sometimes you'll get a variant you like of something but it would probably take years if ever if we relied on balloons or Redd for everything we wanted, seeing as there are so many variations and so many other things that can come from a balloon.

Edit: You can't get all fruit on your own either. And a lot of recipes require fruit so that's something you definitely can't have.
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I’ve been reading this forum for ages, but I finally made an account so I could share my own unpopular opinion.

I think New Horizons is the best Animal Crossing yet! And I’ve played all of them. When I was a kid, I loved Wild World, and my sister and I would also play the GameCube version together. New Leaf is my least favorite AC by far. I think I was in my senior year of high school when New Leaf came out. I remember being excited for it, and then super disappointed as soon as I started playing. I really didn’t like the music. I thought the new furniture sets were ugly. The villager dialogue was terrible! I played it for a while but I never got into it.

I like New Horizons so much better. The dialogue isn’t as good as it was in the GameCube and DS versions, but it’s SO SO much better than it was in New Leaf! I love the music in New Horizons. I think it has a lot of variety and fun, whereas the music in New Leaf all seemed to have the same mellow, sad, sleepy tone (although the sound track from Wild World is still my favorite, I think). The furniture is amazing. I always hated my house in New Leaf, and even the games before it, because the furniture was kinda ugly and I could never get my house looking nice. But in New Horizons, there is so much variety! I really love my house now. I don’t mind not having “complete sets” because I never used complete sets anyway. I just mix and match different things that I like.

When the game came out and I first got it, my mind was kinda blown. So I came to this forum to see how excited everyone else was too. But right away there was a rant thread, with people saying pretty much the opposite of how I felt. I feel like the game is so alive and beautiful, but people kept calling it soulless and dead. I don’t understand the complaints about the lack of furniture. There’s so much of it! Me, my mom, my sister, and my best friend all play the game and all of our houses and islands look totally unique and different because there are so many decorating options and we all use them in different ways.

I don’t know. I just really like this AC. I can’t imagine what my 10 year old self, playing Wild World and GameCube, would have thought about this game!😂 It’s just kinda a bummer so be enjoying it so much and to see so many other people disliking it so much. I think a lot of people really liked New Leaf, and this game is different, so they’re disappointed about that. I’ve seen a lot of people saying things like they just want all the stuff from New Leaf back or what they really wanted was New Leaf with better graphics. But New Horizons is just a different game and does a lot of things differently than any of the ones before it, and I think that’s pretty cool. Nothing is “missing” from it. It’s just a new experience.

Phew... that was a lot! I just wanted to get that off my chest. I understand of course that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But my opinion is that New Horizons is pretty awesome and lively and fun, and out of all the AC games, it’s definitely my favorite :)

The game is by no means perfect, but I think it's kept me hooked the most. With New Leaf, for whatever reason, I would fall out of it when other games came out. But with this one I am hooked. Having my island look different compared to anyone else's in terms of topography and just furniture-wise is great!

The one thing I will disagree with is the music. New Horizons has quite the lacklustre tunes, I would go as far to say that it actually has LESS variety than New Leaf, because unlike New Horizons, New Leaf has a different melody for every hour. New Horizons uses the same theme in practically every song, only with different instruments, and it gets repetitive over time.

With that said, New Horizons is fantastic, and yeah, it kind of sucks that people started bashing it so quickly (of course everyone has a right to their opinion), which started the birth of who knows how many rant thread regarding how much people dislike the game. Hopefully in the near future, Nintendo's updates will be able to fix more of the problems players are facing, such as lack of older furniture, certain amiibo characters (that's more for me but anyway) and older NPCs.
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I used to miss the rudeness in the old games, but when I replayed them recently, I didn't find it as charming.

Edit- the gamecube game in particular. The villagers even appear to yell at you, which is a bit triggering for me.
Hahaha I remember hating Admiral for some reason. I was feeling guilty thinking why was I mean to them in that game?! This makes me feel better - he must have used to yell at me!