Unpopular Opinions

I completely agree it's EVERYWHERE and I'm just tired of it I just want to see something new.

I think the problem is that people are limited with the themes because of the items we currently have. You see a lot of cottage core/Japan themed towns because a lot of the items are geared towards that aesthetic (bamboo, wooden items, seasonal items, etc). I think once we see more items introduced, it might help generate new ideas.
I think the problem is that people are limited with the themes because of the items we currently have. You see a lot of cottage core/Japan themed towns because a lot of the items are geared towards that aesthetic (bamboo, wooden items, seasonal items, etc). I think once we see more items introduced, it might help generate new ideas.
You're exactly right I look forward to new items and ideas!
I have unpopular opinion. Lazy villagers are overrated and I don't get the hype. I mean honestly all they ever talk about is Bugs and Snacks. I mean honestly why is it that everytime I talk to them they always say those things. I also don't like how they run all over your island and it just rubs me the wrong way. I know people like them because they are "cute" but for me I just don't like their personality.
I have unpopular opinion. Lazy villagers are overrated and I don't get the hype. I mean honestly all they ever talk about is Bugs and Snacks. I mean honestly why is it that everytime I talk to them they always say those things. I also don't like how they run all over your island and it just rubs me the wrong way. I know people like them because they are "cute" but for me I just don't like their personality.

not a comment on your main point, but in terms of the running around, I think what you are describing is the ‘play’ hobby activity, in which case not all lazies will do it, and many other personalities types will also run around a lot. For example on my island right now Bones and Agnes both have the play hobby, so they run around the most. Other villagers can do the ‘running’ action but usually only do so in the square as a group activity. Cole, who is also a lazy, has run around maybe once or twice in the4 months I’ve had him.

if you want to avoid the running around you can look at which villagers have the play hobby and maybe avoid them when you are getting new villagers:

Btw, more on topic:
Lazies also aren’t my favorite personality type either, though I find a couple of them very endearing. I don’t know that I could have more than one long term (though I have bones and Cole right now, only Cole is a permanent/ long term resident) The dialogue is so odd that it feel more repetitive when they say the same things to me than say the normals, whose dialogue is more like everyday chit chat, even if not always thrilling. (Plus I’d probably be a normal villager - they like all the same things as me 😅)
I also don’t understand the hate for Raymond. I get that he’s been super hyped up and people get a bit creepy about him, but it’s just a fictional character. I don’t think he has the worse design or the most interesting. He’s ok but I don’t understand the hate directed toward him.
I feel like a lot of the hate for Raymond is really just people being tired of all the hype around him and how many players desperately want him on their islands just because he's popular. Since it's such a big thing they just direct their anger towards the cat himself lol. Otherwise I don't see why people would hate him so much as a character.
I feel like a lot of the hate for Raymond is really just people being tired of all the hype around him and how many players desperately want him on their islands just because he's popular. Since it's such a big thing they just direct their anger towards the cat himself lol. Otherwise I don't see why people would hate him so much as a character.
I mean I have Raymond and he's not bad at all he's "okay" for what he is but I feel like people need to stop shaming others for liking him or even disliking him. Its all opinions. This is similar to what happened to Marshal when he was popular back in New Leaf.
I just don't like cottage core I'm sorry. 😔

I don't like cottage core and that one filter that they use for their photos. And by filter, I'm talking about the grainy one with the muted/washed out colors. I used to like it but now there's just too much of it.

My unpopular opinion: I just want fall season to be over. My eyes can't take any more of these muddy brown and orange colors.
I don't like cottage core and that one filter that they use for their photos. And by filter, I'm talking about the grainy one with the muted/washed out colors. I used to like it but now there's just too much of it.

My unpopular opinion: I just want fall season to be over. My eyes can't take any more of these muddy brown and orange colors.
Me too I want the fall season to be over because I wasted so much time hunting for those mush and maple diys that I just said "screw it" and just went on Nookazon to buy the diys.
Not sure if this is unpopular, but I I see a lot of people wanting their animal crossing character to look like them. I would feel weird playing a character that looks like me and has my name. I never play as me in any of the games I play. I always create my own character that’s separate from me and has a different name, personality, etc. I‘m a little sad that none of my characters in NH have my birthday, but it also wouldn't feel right if they did.
Not sure if this is unpopular, but I I see a lot of people wanting their animal crossing character to look like them. I would feel weird playing a character that looks like me and has my name. I never play as me in any of the games I play. I always create my own character that’s separate from me and has a different name, personality, etc. I‘m a little sad that none of my characters in NH have my birthday, but it also wouldn't feel right if they did.
I honestly feel the same way. My character looks nothing like me as a result. Plus I find it to be a good tool to create characters with!
My unpopular opinion: I don't really want to be rich. Yes, I want money so I can pay off my loan and I do play the stalk market occasionally, but I don't understand why people just have millions and millions of unused bells in their ABD. Like seriously guys, do something with the money!!
I'm guessing this is very unpopular: I actually didn't mind bunny day!
I didn't get to play until mid June, but I remember people despising it and wanting it to end fast.
I TT'd yesterday to complete all 40 BD recipes.

imo, I liked a lot of the DIYS, and I use the fence + arch, plus the balloons and several other BD items for my playground and it looks super pretty.

On the other hand, spooky day was meh, mostly because I didn't like any of the DIYS, with the exception of the monochrome arch which I still use for Tasha's yard.
Having your house interior look like a real house is boring. There, I said it.
I play AC to escape real life, not play a simulation of it!

I'm sorry.
Why do people love Hazel? I get that she's unique with her unibrow, but I feel like that's her only justification/selling point for a LOT of people. And really, it just sort of falls short for me. I think her character design overall is subpar (and maybe a bit of stereotyping too).
Why do people love Hazel? I get that she's unique with her unibrow, but I feel like that's her only justification/selling point for a LOT of people. And really, it just sort of falls short for me. I think her character design overall is subpar (and maybe a bit of stereotyping too).

I don’t understand why people love Hazel too!! I’ve had her on my island since the very start and I honestly hate her.. I get how unique she is, but her design just doesn’t appeal to me at all.
Why do people love Hazel? I get that she's unique with her unibrow, but I feel like that's her only justification/selling point for a LOT of people. And really, it just sort of falls short for me. I think her character design overall is subpar (and maybe a bit of stereotyping too).
I feel like she’s one of those villagers you choose because you want to feel like you’re protecting a villager against rabid haters. I know people like to do that. I’m all for not going with the popular opinion and it’s way more wholesome than villager hatedoms but I just don’t know if they genuinely like them or just want to white knight.

I’m not too keen on her design too, but it’s actually her hair that’s the problem. I’m not a fan of villagers having human hair. I think it looks kinda creepy. That’s why a good third of ducks are ranked low IMO.
I feel like she’s one of those villagers you choose because you want to feel like you’re protecting a villager against rabid haters. I know people like to do that. I’m all for not going with the popular opinion and it’s way more wholesome than villager hatedoms but I just don’t know if they genuinely like them or just want to white knight.

I’m not too keen on her design too, but it’s actually her hair that’s the problem. I’m not a fan of villagers having human hair. I think it looks kinda creepy. That’s why a good third of ducks are ranked low IMO.
That brings me to another unpopular opinion I have: I don't get all this popular villager nonsense. It just doesn't make any sense to me. How can Pudge, one of my favorite villagers be so underrated? Yet Coco is one of the most creepy things I've ever seen, yet it seems that all my friends like her😕.
I don't feel like one to talk because I used to be one of these people, but I don't like when people bash NH's soundtrack, graphics, sound design etc.

Sure, the hourly music may not be as good compared to some other games in terms of how memorable it is because let's face it, almost all of the songs start with the same guitar strum or drum beat (Wild World's and City Folk's soundtracks slapped). But that doesn't automatically make it a bad soundtrack!

A lot of people's perspectives (specifically on the soundtrack for some reason) do seem to only be based on the nostalgia from the older games, but at the same time they forget that people are going to grow up and find the music in New Horizons just as nostalgic as that of New Leaf's or AC Gamecube's.