Unpopular Opinions

I don't feel like one to talk because I used to be one of these people, but I don't like when people bash NH's soundtrack, graphics, sound design etc.

Sure, the hourly music may not be as good compared to some other games in terms of how memorable it is because let's face it, almost all of the songs start with the same guitar strum or drum beat (Wild World's and City Folk's soundtracks slapped). But that doesn't automatically make it a bad soundtrack!

A lot of people's perspectives (specifically on the soundtrack for some reason) do seem to only be based on the nostalgia from the older games, but at the same time they forget that people are going to grow up and find the music in New Horizons just as nostalgic as that of New Leaf's or AC Gamecube's.
I agree with you that the music isn't that bad.

But I don't think its fair to say people think that because of nostalgia. Because when new leaf came round a lot of people who played AC before (including me) liked the soundtrack, despite of it being different than the ones before.

In NH I personally think the music is just not as immersive as I would like, but I still like it and generally think it fits the game well
Not sure if this is unpopular, but I I see a lot of people wanting their animal crossing character to look like them. I would feel weird playing a character that looks like me and has my name. I never play as me in any of the games I play. I always create my own character that’s separate from me and has a different name, personality, etc. I‘m a little sad that none of my characters in NH have my birthday, but it also wouldn't feel right if they did.

Here, here. I would hate to have my character look like me or share my actual name. The only thing I kept was my birthday. Otherwise, she has a different hair texture, skin color, style, and such.
I wish we could move the big weeds wherever we wanted instead of them turning small again and not growing if you have too many weeds. I currently have them all over the place but I don't want to dig them up because then I won't be able to have them again. I haven't seen anyone else mention that.
I like Isabelle and her speeches. I mean, it can be annoying how she's always like "this and that on tv" but it's kinda cute and adds more to her character.
I like Isabelle and her speeches. I mean, it can be annoying how she's always like "this and that on tv" but it's kinda cute and adds more to her character.
Yeah I don't mind the speeches ethier. I just wish that every single day, she would have new dialogue. I know that seems like a lot, but Nintendo can do it! This way, a lot less people would hate her speeches because every single day you would get fresh new dialogue from issabelle.
I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I love the 3:00 AM music. Yes, it’s a little weird and spooky. But it’s also relaxing in some weird way.
I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I love the 3:00 AM music. Yes, it’s a little weird and spooky. But it’s also relaxing in some weird way.

I also like the 3 AM music! It reminds me of a cartoon. Kinda goofy and silly in the same way that I do kinda feel goofy and silly for being up that early (or late depending on perspective).
Yeah I don't mind the speeches ethier. I just wish that every single day, she would have new dialogue. I know that seems like a lot, but Nintendo can do it! This way, a lot less people would hate her speeches because every single day you would get fresh new dialogue from issabelle.
By this point, everything on tv puts her to sleep. She must have a short attention span.
I don’t know if this is unpopular or not, but I dislike some of the hair colors available. I am hoping they will add more options in the future, because there are only a few that I like. There’s just something off about some of the colors available. For example, the purple feels way too pink to me.
I agree, and what happened to the light brown? That’s my actual hair color lol and now I’m either blond in the game or the reddish brown. Also I miss the light green it was so pretty
I don't think the villager dialogue is bad at all. the more you talk to your villagers the more likely they are to say different things. also the conversations between villagers on your island aren't stale at all
I actually like all of the different animal species's models. Kangaroos? Adorable, not creepy at all. Hippos and rhinos? Bug huggable friends. Mice? Little cuties. Idk why certain species get so much hate.

The music is actually really good.

People care too much about controlling their villagers. Keeping them "original" is stupid. Let them wear anything. Do all the requests. If they wanna display a sea bass in their house, do it.

This one is VERY unpopular. The concept of "dreamies" defeats the point of the game. Like yeah, I have villagers that I've had in old games that I like and might consider moving in if I saw them and had the space. I've done it before. But the real thrill has always been not knowing who you're gonna get. Will they quickly become a new favorite? Will you hate their guts until they leave? Or maybe they'll become an unexpected friend you never thought you'd get along with. No disrespect to anyone that does this, but I feel like just amiiboing in 10 villagers you like will make the game stake very fast.
Players who act like time travelling is an unforgiveable sin are the ones I see time travelling the most. They just make excuses for why its ok for them to do it but not other people.
I really want the gyorids back. I don't know whether that is unpopular or not, but I have been seeing a lot of people posting here and elsewhere that they don't want them back. I think they're endearing in a way. With how it was raining almost daily earlier in the year, I can see how that would get annoying. But we were also dealing with an invasion of flowers around that time as well.

Maybe if they introduced them in a different way than being buried after it rains people would be more accepting of them.
I really want the gyorids back. I don't know whether that is unpopular or not, but I have been seeing a lot of people posting here and elsewhere that they don't want them back. I think they're endearing in a way. With how it was raining almost daily earlier in the year, I can see how that would get annoying. But we were also dealing with an invasion of flowers around that time as well.

Maybe if they introduced them in a different way than being buried after it rains people would be more accepting of them.
According to nookipedia, there is Some unused files that reference gyriods. They might have been in the game like in New leaf then been removed, or it was a place holder from new leaf. I really hope they return one day because I'm trying to make a tribal area on my island and gyriods would be perfect for that.
Right? Some of the gyroid sounds complimented the KK music I had in rooms really well. That's why I am hoping they come back. I had stale cupcakes playing in my ice room with some silent chime gyroids and it just finished off the final touches.