1. Lily
2. Rex

, I adore Rex, my original lazy. Was sorely tempted to invite him…but trying to avoid repeats for now (at least I got his amiibo)
3. Ursala! I love her…which is why she lives on my second island.
4. Olive - cuter than expected. Love her little tail
5. Teddy - he is so so cute. I want to not have a second jock right now. But love those eyebrows, and he looks so cuddly! - ended up continuing on, just cause I wanted to keep island hopping.
6. Goose - awww. If I had not just gotten plucky I would be tempted, despite wanting a non jock. He’s pretty cute!
7. Wade! I…really love him, and love his catch phrase. But really want to island hop for an obsessively long time…I decided to be dumb and keep going, not even knowing who I am looking for!
8. Clyde
9. Coach
10. Rooney
11. Zucker
12. Chops
13. Hazel - very cute and I like her. Considered inviting…
14. Benjamin

I love him so much, what am I doing???

15. Tammy - also great
16. Moose
17. Lolly - she’s pretty cute
18. Jitters - also pretty cute
19. Avery
20. Nana
21. Apple - another one I love
22. Bud - I like him more than I used to
Deirdre…I basically invited her before I realized I was going to. I love her, will see how having two uchi villagers goes!
Still have regrets about wade and Benjamin though… maybe apple too.