Villager Popularity List - Updated

Why is people bumping this uselessly? :confused: C'mon guys, if you are going to post at least write something!
Why is people bumping this uselessly? :confused: C'mon guys, if you are going to post at least write something!

but a bump isn't useless if it's bringing the thread back to the top of the first page lmao.
Why is people bumping this uselessly? :confused: C'mon guys, if you are going to post at least write something!
We are bumping this because it is an important and useful list for us. There isn't always something to discuss which we do plenty.
Wow I haven't been on this list for a while. I haven't had to buy/sell any villagers though. Julian is king once more, and I still think he's kinda lame >>
I believe I've seen a surge of people looking for Tangy, and slightly less so Zucker. I have also seen a few people searching for Mott, but maybe i'm over exaggerating a bit.
Nuuuuuuuu, Hamlet is only semi-popular? ;-;
I love him to death, soooo cute.
Reminds me of the show "Hamtaro" lol
Bumpty bump bump (I've always wanted to do this for some reason lol) :)
Very glad to see that Lucky is that high up in tier 2! ♡
Also wow, Julian is killing it! :)