Switched Kyle and Octavian within tier 2.
Kyle #8,
Octavian #15
Switched Chrissy and Merengue withintier 2.
Chrissy #3,
Merengue #7
Switched Tom and Bunnie within tier 4.
Tom #1,
Bunnie #7
Bam #25 tier 2 (from #21 tier 3)
Goldie #27 tier 2(from #26 tier 3)
Deirdre #4 tier 3 (from #24)
Vesta #27 tier 3 (from #6 tier 4)
Chester #28 tier 3 (from #7 tier 4)
Walker #3 tier 4 (from #31)
new tier 4's from tier 5:
Frobert #48
Wendy #49
Marcel #50
Bluebear #3 tier 3 (from #19 tier 2)
Henry #25 tier 3 (from #23)
Felicity #29 tier 3 (from #4)
Lucky #30 tier 3 (from #2)
Chevre #5 tier 4 (from #19 tier 3)
Poncho #6 tier 4 (from #11 tier 3)
Cole #30 tier 4 (from #2)
Hamlet #31 tier 4 (from #4)
new tier 5's from tier 4:
Bianca, Doc, Winnie.
so I'll admit there's not much at all to this update... Kind of odd. I'll be working on the picture version now.